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ili-30-08798771-n CILI: i83095
WordNet Domains: factotum
SUMO Ontology: LandArea@
Top Ontology: Function+
Basic Level Concept: 08552138-n district
Epinonyms: [2] district
[2] district |1|
[1] ili-30-08597727-n (has_hyperonym) |1|
[0] ili-30-08798771-n (has_hyperonym) |1|
  positivo negativo
SentiWordNet: 0 0
ML-SentiCon: 0 0
  pasado presente futuro atemporal
TempoWordNet: 0 0 0 1

Explorar o ámbito terminolóxico en [Termonet]
GL Variantes
- Palestina · [RILG] [DRAG]
CA Variantes
- Palestina
EU Variantes
- Palestina
Israel giza eskubideak urratzen ari da Palestinako lurraldeetan
Ekialde Hurbileko eskualdea, gaur egungo Israel eta Jordania estatuen artean banatua
ES Variantes
- Palestina
EN Variantes
- Palestine ['pæɫəˌstaɪn]
a former British mandate on the east coast of the Mediterranean; divided between Jordan and Israel in 1948
FR Variantes
- La_Vallée_des_loups_-_Palestine
- Palestine
Relacións léxico-semánticas no WordNet vía ILI (33) - Amosar / Agochar gráfico:
08597727-n: a territory surrendered by Turkey or Germany after World War I and put under the tutelage of some other European power until they are able to stand by themselves
02974615-a: of or relating to the area of Palestine and its inhabitants
02974615-a: of or relating to the area of Palestine and its inhabitants
08011523-n: a Palestinian political and military organization founded by Yasser Arafat in 1958 to work toward the creation of a Palestinian state; during the 1960s and 1970s trained terrorist and insurgent groups
08013653-n: a Palestinian terrorist organization formed in 2002 and linked to Fatah movement of Yasser Arafat
08019523-n: a Marxist-Leninist group that believes Palestinian goals can only be achieved by revolutionary change
08020242-n: a Palestinian international terrorist organization that split from the PLO in 1974; has conducted terrorist attacks in 20 countries
08021785-n: a little known Palestinian group responsible for bombings and for killing Israelis; seeks to defeat Israel and liberate southern Lebanon, Palestine, and Golan Heights
08037118-n: a militant Palestinian terrorist group created in 1979 and committed to the creation of an Islamic state in Palestine and to the destruction of Israel; smaller and more exclusively militant that Hamas
08037861-n: a little known Palestinian group comprised of members of Hamas and Tanzim with suspected ties to the Lebanese Hizballah; responsible for suicide bombings in Israel
08038379-n: a terrorist group of limited popularity formed in 1967 after the Six-Day War; combined Marxist-Leninist ideology with Palestinian nationalism; used terrorism to gain attention for their cause; hoped to eliminate the state of Israel
08320385-n: a political movement uniting Palestinian Arabs in an effort to create an independent state of Palestine; when formed in 1964 it was a terrorist organization dominated by Yasser Arafat's al-Fatah; in 1968 Arafat became chairman; received recognition by the United Nations and by Arab states in 1974 as a government in exile; has played a largely political role since the creation of the Palestine National Authority
00823350-a: situated in or facing or moving toward the east
01729566-a: belonging to some prior time
02467662-v: separate into parts or portions
03022177-a: of or relating to or characteristic of Great Britain or its people or culture
08597727-n: a territory surrendered by Turkey or Germany after World War I and put under the tutelage of some other European power until they are able to stand by themselves
08792548-n: Jewish republic in southwestern Asia at eastern end of Mediterranean; formerly part of Palestine
08927186-n: an Arab kingdom in southwestern Asia on the Red Sea
09350045-n: the largest inland sea; between Europe and Africa and Asia
09428293-n: the shore of a sea or ocean
02974615-a: of or relating to the area of Palestine and its inhabitants
06663463-n: a policy for establishing and developing a national homeland for Jews in Palestine
08021785-n: a little known Palestinian group responsible for bombings and for killing Israelis; seeks to defeat Israel and liberate southern Lebanon, Palestine, and Golan Heights
08037118-n: a militant Palestinian terrorist group created in 1979 and committed to the creation of an Islamic state in Palestine and to the destruction of Israel; smaller and more exclusively militant that Hamas
08320385-n: a political movement uniting Palestinian Arabs in an effort to create an independent state of Palestine; when formed in 1964 it was a terrorist organization dominated by Yasser Arafat's al-Fatah; in 1968 Arafat became chairman; received recognition by the United Nations and by Arab states in 1974 as a government in exile; has played a largely political role since the creation of the Palestine National Authority
08345366-n: the clandestine military wing of the Jewish leadership during the British rule over the mandate of Palestine from 1920 to 1948; became the basis for the Israeli defense force
08479202-n: a movement of world Jewry that arose late in the 19th century with the aim of creating a Jewish state in Palestine
08481983-n: the body of Jews (or Jewish communities) outside Palestine or modern Israel
08792548-n: Jewish republic in southwestern Asia at eastern end of Mediterranean; formerly part of Palestine
09321901-n: a river in Palestine that empties into the Dead Sea; John the Baptist baptized Jesus in the Jordan
09713357-n: a descendant of the Arabs who inhabited Palestine
11173778-n: German architect who migrated to Palestine in 1937 (1887-1953)
12143405-n: found wild in Palestine; held to be prototype of cultivated wheat