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ili-30-09362316-n CILI: i85822
WordNet Domains: geology
SUMO Ontology: StreamWaterArea+
Basic Level Concept: 00002684-n object
Epinonyms: [1] formation
[1] formation |1|
[0] ili-30-09362316-n (has_hyperonym) |1|
  positive negative
SentiWordNet: 0 0
ML-SentiCon: 0.125 0
  past present future atemporal
TempoWordNet: 0.228 0.228 0.228 0.772

Explore the terminological domain with [Termonet]
CA Variants
- boca
- desembocadura
- embocadura
Punt on un corrent d'aigua s'uneix a un altre més gran
EU Variants
- aho
Entzia inguruko mendietako iturburutik Ebro ibaiaren ahoraino egin zuten ibilaldia
- bokale
ibaia itsasoratzen den lekua
ES Variants
- desembocadura
EN Variants
- mouth ['maʊθ]
New York is at the mouth of the Hudson
the point where a stream issues into a larger body of water
DE Variants
- Mündung
LA Variants
- bucca
- caput
- egressus
- os
- osculum
IT Variants
- bocca
- foce
- sbocco
- sfocio
FR Variants
- bouche
- embouchure
ZH_T Variants
Lexical relations in WordNet via ILI (29) - Show / Hide graph:
09287968-n: (geology) the geological features of the earth
00528990-v: come out of
01382086-a: above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent
01383756-a: large or big relative to something else
08620061-n: the precise location of something; a spatially limited location
09225146-n: the part of the earth's surface covered with water (such as a river or lake or ocean)
09448361-n: a natural body of running water flowing on or under the earth
01268886-n: a river in ancient Thrace (now Turkey); in the mouth of this river the Spartan fleet under Lysander destroyed the Athenian fleet in the final battle of the Peloponnesian War (404 BC)
08409323-n: an expedition sent by Thomas Jefferson to explore the northwestern territories of the United States; led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark; traveled from St. Louis to the mouth of the Columbia River from 1803 to 1806
08743786-n: a city in northeastern Mexico opposite Brownsville near the mouth of the Rio Grande
08770274-n: a port city in northwestern Germany at the mouth of the Weser River on the North Sea; has a deep natural harbor and is an important shipping center
08878708-n: an industrial city and port in southwestern England near the mouth of the River Avon
08936303-n: a port city in northern France on the English Channel at the mouth of the Seine
08983742-n: a port city of northern Poland near the mouth of the Vistula River on a gulf of the Baltic Sea; a member of the Hanseatic League in the 14th century
09077821-n: a port in eastern Georgia near the mouth of the Savannah river
09091909-n: a port and largest city in Louisiana; located in southeastern Louisiana near the mouth of the Mississippi river; a major center for offshore drilling for oil in the Gulf of Mexico; jazz originated here among black musicians in the late 19th century; Mardi Gras is celebrated here each year
09116876-n: a settlement established by the Dutch near the mouth of Hudson River and the southern end of Manhattan Island; annexed by the English in 1664 and renamed New York
09119277-n: the largest city in New York State and in the United States; located in southeastern New York at the mouth of the Hudson river; a major financial and cultural center
09143321-n: a city in southern Texas on the Rio Grande near its mouth into the Gulf of Mexico; has a channel that accommodates oceangoing ships
09150662-n: a port city in southeastern Virginia at the mouth of the James River off Hampton Roads; large shipyards
09150863-n: port city located in southeastern Virginia on the Elizabeth River at the mouth of Chesapeake Bay; headquarters of the Atlantic fleet of the United States Navy
09156241-n: a city of western West Virginia on the Ohio river at the mouth of the Kanawha
09188894-n: a creek emptying into the Hellespont in present-day Turkey; at its mouth in 405 BC the Spartan fleet under Lysander defeated the Athenians and ended the Peloponnesian War
09339414-n: a long narrow lagoon near the mouth of a river
09652535-n: a member of an important North American Indian people who controlled the mouth of the Columbia river; they were organized into settlements rather than tribes
09653144-n: a member of a North American Indian people living around the mouth of the Colorado River
09655891-n: a member of a North American Indian people of the Colorado river valley near the mouth of the Gila river; allied to the Maricopa
10899164-n: United States explorer who (with Meriwether Lewis) led an expedition from St. Louis to the mouth of the Columbia River; Clark was responsible for making maps of the area (1770-1838)
11130940-n: United States explorer and soldier who lead led an expedition from St. Louis to the mouth of the Columbia River (1774-1809)