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ili-30-09556121-n CILI: i86877
WordNet Domains: mythology
SUMO Ontology: SocialRole+
Basic Level Concept: 00007846-n human
Epinonyms: [1] Roman_mythology
[1] Roman_mythology |0.95|
[0] ili-30-09556121-n (category) |0.95|
  positive negative
SentiWordNet: 0 0
ML-SentiCon: 0 0
  past present future atemporal
TempoWordNet: 0 0 0 1

Explore the terminological domain with [Termonet]
GL Variants
- Rea_Silvia · [RILG] [DRAG]
- Rhea_Silvia · [RILG] [DRAG]
CA Variants
- Rea_Silvia
- Rea_Sílvia
- Rhea_Silvia
ES Variants
- Rea_Silvia
- Rhea_Silvia
EN Variants
- Rea_Silvia
- Rhea_Silvia
a vestal virgin who became the mother by Mars of the twins Romulus and Remus
FR Variants
- Rhéa_Silvia
Lexical relations in WordNet via ILI (8) - Show / Hide graph:
09575316-n: (Roman mythology) one of the virgin priestesses consecrated to the Roman goddess Vesta and to maintaining the sacred fire in her temple
07983170-n: the mythology of the ancient Romans
09555785-n: (Roman mythology) Roman god of war and agriculture; father of Romulus and Remus; counterpart of Greek Ares
09556305-n: (Roman mythology) founder of Rome; suckled with his twin brother Remus by a wolf after their parents (Mars and Rhea Silvia) abandoned them; Romulus killed Remus in an argument over the building of Rome
09556580-n: (Roman mythology) the twin brother of Romulus
09575316-n: (Roman mythology) one of the virgin priestesses consecrated to the Roman goddess Vesta and to maintaining the sacred fire in her temple
10332385-n: a woman who has given birth to a child (also used as a term of address to your mother)
10734394-n: either of two offspring born at the same time from the same pregnancy
09556305-n: (Roman mythology) founder of Rome; suckled with his twin brother Remus by a wolf after their parents (Mars and Rhea Silvia) abandoned them; Romulus killed Remus in an argument over the building of Rome