Galnet - WordNet 3.0 do Galego

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Galego | English

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ili-30-09962214-n CILI: i89209
WordNet Domains: religion
SUMO Ontology: Human+
Basic Level Concept: 00007846-n human
Epinonyms: [2] human
[2] human |1|
[1] ili-30-09962414-n (has_hyperonym) |1|
[0] ili-30-09962214-n (has_hyperonym) |1|
  positivo negativo
SentiWordNet: 0 0
ML-SentiCon: 0 0.25
  pasado presente futuro atemporal
TempoWordNet: 0 0 0 1

Explorar o ámbito terminolóxico en [Termonet]
EN Variantes
- Converso
a Jew or Moor who professed to convert to Christianity in order to avoid persecution or expulsion
FR Variantes
- marrane
- Marranisme
- marranisme
Relacións léxico-semánticas no WordNet vía ILI (5) - Amosar / Agochar gráfico:
09962414-n: a person who has been converted to another religious or political belief
10295597-n: (medieval Spain and Portugal) a disparaging term for a Jew who converted to Christianity in order to avoid persecution but continued to practice their religion secretly
00420477-n: the act of persecuting (especially on the basis of race or religion)
09681351-n: a person belonging to the worldwide group claiming descent from Jacob (or converted to it) and connected by cultural or religious ties
09723361-n: one of the Muslim people of north Africa; of mixed Arab and Berber descent; converted to Islam in the 8th century; conqueror of Spain in the 8th century