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ili-30-10624074-n CILI: i93143
WordNet Domains: person
SUMO Ontology: Male+
Basic Level Concept: 09918248-n child
Epinonyms: [2] male
[2] male |1|
[1] ili-30-10285938-n (has_hyperonym) |1|
[0] ili-30-10624074-n (has_hyperonym) |1|
  positivo negativo
SentiWordNet: 0 0
ML-SentiCon: 0.375 0
  pasado presente futuro atemporal
TempoWordNet: 0 0 0 1

Explorar o ámbito terminolóxico en [Termonet]
GL Variantes
- fillo [ˈfiʎo̝] · [RILG] [DRAG]
PT Variantes
- filho [fˈiλu]
uma prole humano masculino
CA Variantes
- fill
el seu fill es va convertir en un famós jutge
Descendent masculí directe
EU Variantes
- seme
Fernando Antsorenak herriko banda utzi zuen urte berean jaioko zen Patxi Antsorenaren lehen semea Joxe
gizonezkoa bere gurasoekiko
ES Variantes
- hijo
EN Variantes
- boy ['bɔɪ]
his boy is taller than he is
- son ['sən]
their son became a famous judge
DE Variantes
- Filius
- Kind
- Sohn
LA Variantes
- filius
- puellus
- puer
IT Variantes
- figlio
- figlio maschio
- figliolo
- figliuolo
- maschio
- ragazzo
FR Variantes
- fils
ZH_T Variantes
- 少爺
- 男生
Relacións léxico-semánticas no WordNet vía ILI (171) - Amosar / Agochar gráfico:
09992837-n: a female human offspring
10285938-n: a child who is male
10227490-n: a son who has the same first name as his father
10333439-n: a boy excessively attached to his mother; lacking normal masculine interests
10961087-n: (Old Testament) the eldest son of Isaac who would have inherited the covenant that God made with Abraham and that Abraham passed on to Isaac; he traded his birthright to his twin brother Jacob for a mess of pottage
01258617-a: having human form or attributes as opposed to those of animals or divine beings
01476685-a: being the sex (of plant or animal) that produces gametes (spermatozoa) that perform the fertilizing function in generation
10373998-n: the immediate descendants of a person
00222155-n: the murder of your own son or daughter
02100031-a: used of the older of two persons of the same name especially used to distinguish a father from his son
02101382-a: used of the younger of two persons of the same name especially used to distinguish a son from his father
06190305-n: the theological doctrine (named after Nestorius) that Christ is both the son of God and the man Jesus (which is opposed to Roman Catholic doctrine that Christ is fully God)
06928047-n: a Turkic literary language of medieval central Asia (named for one of the sons of Genghis Khan)
08154548-n: a dynasty of Roman Emperors from 69 to 96 including Vespasian and his sons Titus and Domitian
08372847-n: twelve kin groups of ancient Israel each traditionally descended from one of the twelve sons of Jacob
08483935-n: the ethnic group claiming descent from Abraham and Isaac (especially from Isaac's son Jacob); the nation whom God chose to receive his revelation and with whom God chose to make a covenant (Exodus 19)
09493204-n: (Greek mythology) the three-headed dog guarding the entrance to Hades; son of Typhon
09496673-n: (Greek mythology) the Greek god of sleep; the son of Nyx
09497163-n: (Greek mythology) the son of Zeus who slew Medusa (with the help of Athena and Hermes) and rescued Andromeda from a sea monster
09501527-n: (Greek mythology) a son of Zeus who became king of Lycia; fought on behalf of the Trojans in the Trojan War and was killed by Patroclus
09502700-n: (Greek mythology) son of Gaea and Tartarus who created the whirlwinds; had a terrifying voice and 100 dragon heads that spurted fire
09502906-n: (Greek mythology) a monster with a hundred heads who breathed out flames; son of Typhoeus and father of Cerberus and the Chimera and the Sphinx
09509119-n: Celtic god of the waves; son of Arianrhod
09509911-n: son of Gwydion and Arianrhod; supported by magic of Gwydion; cursed by Arianrhod
09510419-n: Celtic god of the sea; son of Ler
09510527-n: Celtic sea god; son of Llyr
09512266-n: Egyptian solar god with the head of a falcon; the son of Osiris and Isis
09517628-n: the Babylonian god of wisdom; son of Apsu and father of Marduk; counterpart of the Sumerian Enki; as one of the supreme triad including Anu and Bel he was assigned control of the watery element
09524151-n: one of 7 to 12 sons of Aditi; Hindu gods of celestial light
09553599-n: personification of the sky or upper air breathed by the Olympians; son of Erebus and night or of Chaos and darkness
09553767-n: (Greek mythology) Greek god of light; god of prophecy and poetry and music and healing; son of Zeus and Leto; twin brother of Artemis
09555236-n: (Greek mythology) Greek god of war; son of Zeus and Hera; identified with Roman Mars
09555514-n: (Greek mythology) the Greek personification of death; son of Nyx
09557965-n: (Greek mythology) the supreme god until Zeus dethroned him; son of Uranus and Gaea in ancient Greek mythology; identified with Roman Saturn
09559201-n: son of Apollo; a hero and the Roman god of medicine and healing; his daughters were Hygeia and Panacea
09559573-n: (Greek mythology) Greek god of darkness who dwelt in the underworld; son of Chaos; brother of Nox; father of Aether and Day
09559896-n: (Greek mythology) god of love; son of Aphrodite; identified with Roman Cupid
09560196-n: (Greek mythology) an Athenian inventor who built the labyrinth of Minos; to escape the labyrinth he fashioned wings for himself and his son Icarus
09561320-n: (Greek mythology) son of Daedalus; while escaping from Crete with his father (using the wings Daedalus had made) he flew too close to the sun and the wax melted and he fell into the Aegean and drowned
09562526-n: (Greek mythology) son of Hermes and Aphrodite who merged with the nymph Salmacis to form one body
09564480-n: (Greek mythology) a Titan who was the son of Gaea and Uranus and the father of Helios and Selene and Eos in ancient mythology
09564680-n: son of Zeus and Europa; king of ancient Crete; ordered Daedalus to build the labyrinth; after death Minos became a judge in the underworld
09567560-n: (Greek mythology) a sea god son of Pontus and Gaea; lived in the depths of the sea with his wife Doris and their daughters the Nereids
09568051-n: (Greek mythology) god of the heavens; son and husband of Gaea and father of the Titans in ancient mythology
09570114-n: (Greek mythology) son of Helios; killed when trying to drive his father's chariot and came too close to earth
09573145-n: (Greek mythology) a sea god; son of Poseidon
09573682-n: (Greek mythology) the supreme god of ancient Greek mythology; son of Rhea and Cronus whom he dethroned; husband and brother of Hera; brother of Poseidon and Hades; father of many gods; counterpart of Roman Jupiter
09579491-n: (Norse mythology) god of light and peace and noted for his beauty and sweet nature; son of Odin and Frigg and husband of Nanna; killed by Hoth
09579714-n: (Norse mythology) god of poetry and music; son of Odin
09579994-n: (Norse mythology) god of justice; son of Balder and Nanna
09580125-n: (Norse mythology) god of earth's fertility and peace and prosperity; son of Njorth and brother of Freya; originally of the Vanir; later with the Aesir
09583723-n: (Norse mythology) god of war and strife and son of Odin; identified with Anglo-Saxon Tiu
09583888-n: (Norse mythology) one of the Aesir known for his beauty and skill with bow and skis; son of Sif and stepson of Thor
09584079-n: (Norse mythology) one of the Aesir and avenger of Balder; son of Odin
09584218-n: (Norse mythology) one of the Aesir; son of Odin; avenges his parent by slaying Fenrir at Ragnarok
09587409-n: (Old Testament) third son of Adam and Eve; given by God in place of the murdered Abel
09593651-n: (Greek mythology) a wicked king and son of Zeus; condemned in Hades to stand in water that receded when he tried to drink and beneath fruit that receded when he reached for it
09595717-n: (Greek mythology) the seducer of Clytemnestra and murderer of Agamemnon who usurped the throne of Mycenae until Agamemnon's son Orestes returned home and killed him
09595957-n: (Greek mythology) the son of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra; his sister Electra persuaded him to avenge Agamemnon's death by killing Clytemnestra and Aegisthus
09596733-n: (Greek mythology) queen of Thebes who unknowingly married her own son Oedipus
09597141-n: (Greek mythology) the priest of Apollo who warned the Trojans to beware of Greeks bearing gifts when they wanted to accept the Trojan Horse; a god who favored the Greeks (Poseidon or Athena) sent snakes who coiled around Laocoon and his two twin sons killing them
09597478-n: (Greek mythology) king of Thebes who was unwittingly killed by his son Oedipus
09833441-n: a child: son or daughter
09918248-n: a human offspring (son or daughter) of any age
09993040-n: the wife of your son
09993122-n: formerly, the eldest son of the King of France and direct heir to the throne
10088101-n: a parent who murders his own son or daughter
10105906-n: your foster brother is a male who is not a son of your parents but who is raised by your parents
10107173-n: someone who is raised as a son although not related by birth
10141590-n: a child of your son or daughter
10145902-n: a son of your grandson or granddaughter
10146002-n: a son of your niece or nephew
10158222-n: (Old Testament) son of Noah
10218390-n: (Old Testament) son of Isaac; brother of Esau; father of the twelve patriarchs of Israel; Jacob wrestled with God and forced God to bless him, so God gave Jacob the new name of Israel (meaning `one who has been strong against God')
10219778-n: (Old Testament) son of Noah
10227490-n: a son who has the same first name as his father
10353355-n: a son of your brother or sister
10472799-n: a male member of a royal family other than the sovereign (especially the son of a sovereign)
10588860-n: (Old Testament) eldest son of Noah
10599068-n: (Old Testament) the 2nd son of Jacob and one of the 12 patriarchs of Israel
10655075-n: the son your spouse by a former marriage
10698649-n: a Swiss patriot who lived in the early 14th century and who was renowned for his skill as an archer; according to legend an Austrian governor compelled him to shoot an apple from his son's head with his crossbow (which he did successfully without mishap)
10756148-n: (in various countries) a son or younger brother or a count
10807487-n: the first of the Old Testament patriarchs and the father of Isaac; according to Genesis, God promised to give Abraham's family (the Hebrews) the land of Canaan (the Promised Land); God tested Abraham by asking him to sacrifice his son
10808353-n: 6th President of the United States; son of John Adams (1767-1848)
10810215-n: wife who poisoned Claudius after her son Nero was declared heir and who was then put to death by Nero
10812800-n: the son of Nicholas I who, as czar of Russia, introduced reforms that included limited emancipation of the serfs (1818-1881)
10813049-n: son of Alexander II who was czar of Russia (1845-1894)
10819755-n: Emperor of Rome; nephew and son-in-law and adoptive son of Antonius Pius; Stoic philosopher; the decline of the Roman Empire began under Marcus Aurelius (121-180)
10820053-n: Emperor of Rome; adoptive son of Hadrian (86-161)
10835709-n: United States actor; son of Maurice Barrymore and Georgiana Barrymore (1878-1954)
10836029-n: United States actor; son of Maurice Barrymore and Georgiana Barrymore (1882-1942)
10838288-n: (Old Testament) the wife of Uriah and later the wife of king David; Solomon was her son by David (circa 10th century BC)
10843425-n: (Old Testament) Babylonian general and son of Nebuchadnezzar II; according to the Old Testament he was warned of his doom by divine handwriting on the wall that was interpreted by Daniel (6th century BC)
10845050-n: (Old Testament) the youngest and best-loved son of Jacob and Rachel and one of the twelve forebears of the tribes of Israel
10875910-n: 43rd President of the United States; son of George Herbert Walker Bush (born in 1946)
10877841-n: son of John Cabot who was born in Italy and who led an English expedition in search of the Northwest Passage and a Spanish expedition that explored the La Plata region of Brazil; in 1544 he published a map of the world (1476-1557)
10887790-n: queen of France as the wife of Henry II and regent during the minority of her son Charles IX (1519-1589)
10892416-n: the eldest son of Elizabeth II and heir to the English throne (born in 1948)
10892564-n: son of James I who was King of England and Scotland and Ireland; was deposed and executed by Oliver Cromwell (1600-1649)
10895073-n: suave and witty English statesman remembered mostly for letters to his son (1694-1773)
10899414-n: Roman Emperor after his nephew Caligula was murdered; consolidated the Roman Empire and conquered southern Britain; was poisoned by his fourth wife Agrippina after her son Nero was named as Claudius' heir (10 BC to AD 54)
10917164-n: English general; son of George II; fought unsuccessfully in the battle of Fontenoy (1721-1765)
10929657-n: son of Antigonus Cyclops and king of Macedonia; he and his father were defeated at the battle of Ipsus (337-283 BC)
10938821-n: Emperor of Rome; son of Vespasian who succeeded his brother Titus; instigated a reign of terror and was assassinated as a tyrant (51-96)
10946750-n: son and successor of Francois Duvalier as president of Haiti; he was overthrown by a mass uprising in 1986 (born in 1951)
10949782-n: son of Edward III who defeated the French at Crecy and Poitiers in the Hundred Years' War (1330-1376)
10949952-n: third son of Elizabeth II (born in 1964)
10950219-n: King of England from 1307 to 1327 and son of Edward I; was defeated at Bannockburn by the Scots led by Robert the Bruce; was deposed and died in prison (1284-1327)
10950448-n: son of Edward II and King of England from 1327-1377; his claim to the French throne provoked the Hundred Years' War; his reign was marked by an epidemic of the Black Plague and by the emergence of the House of Commons as the powerful arm of British Parliament (1312-1377)
10951278-n: King of England and Ireland from 1547 to 1553; son of Henry VIII and Jane Seymour; died of tuberculosis (1537-1553)
10951459-n: King of England from 1901 to 1910; son of Victoria and Prince Albert; famous for his elegant sporting ways (1841-1910)
10952143-n: son of Ethelred the Unready; King of England from 1042 to 1066; he founded Westminster Abbey where he was eventually buried (1003-1066)
10952421-n: king of Wessex whose military success against the Danes made it possible for his son Athelstan to become the first king of all England (870-924)
10952629-n: King of England who was a son of Edgar; he was challenged for the throne by supporters of his half-brother Ethelred II who eventually murdered him (963-978)
10961087-n: (Old Testament) the eldest son of Isaac who would have inherited the covenant that God made with Abraham and that Abraham passed on to Isaac; he traded his birthright to his twin brother Jacob for a mess of pottage
10965550-n: United States film actor; son of Douglas Elton Fairbanks, (1909-2000)
10975101-n: son of Henry Ford (1893-1943)
10980097-n: son of Frederick William who in 1701 became the first king of Prussia (1657-1713)
10980893-n: son of Frederick I who became king of Prussia in 1713; reformed and strengthened the Prussian army (1688-1740)
10995292-n: King of Great Britain and Ireland from 1760 to 1820; the American colonies were lost during his reign; he became insane in 1811 and his son (later George IV) acted as regent until 1820 (1738-1820)
11018862-n: United States industrialist (born in Switzerland) who with his sons established vast mining and metal processing companies (1828-1905)
11019073-n: United States philanthropist; son of Meyer Guggenheim who created several foundations to support the arts (1861-1949)
11021342-n: Roman Emperor who was the adoptive son of Trajan; travelled throughout his empire to strengthen its frontiers and encourage learning and architecture; on a visit to Britain in 122 he ordered the construction of Hadrian's Wall (76-138)
11023070-n: Scottish geneticist (son of John Haldane) who contributed to the development of population genetics; a popularizer of science and a Marxist (1892-1964)
11029454-n: illegitimate son of Canute who seized the throne of England in 1037 (died in 1040)
11032158-n: English merchant who took over a shop in London that was expanded by his son into a prestigious department store (1800-1885)
11040800-n: King of England from 1100 to 1135; youngest son of William the Conqueror; conquered Normandy in 1106 (1068-1135)
11041447-n: son of King John and king of England from 1216 to 1272; his incompetence aroused baronial opposition led by Simon de Montfort (1207-1272)
11041660-n: son of Henry II of France and the last Valois to be king of France (1551-1589)
11042482-n: son of Henry IV and King of England from 1413 to 1422; reopened the Hundred Years' War and defeated the French at Agincourt (1387-1422)
11042691-n: son of Henry V who as an infant succeeded his father and was King of England from 1422 to 1461; he was taken prisoner in 1460 and Edward IV was proclaimed king; he was rescued and regained the throne in 1470 but was recaptured and murdered in the Tower of London (1421-1471)
11043519-n: son of Henry VII and King of England from 1509 to 1547; his divorce from Catherine of Aragon resulted in his break with the Catholic Church in 1534 and his excommunication 1538, leading to the start of the Reformation in England (1491-1547)
11046169-n: English astronomer (son of William Herschel) who extended the catalogue of stars to the southern hemisphere and did pioneering work in photography (1792-1871)
11073586-n: (Old Testament) the second patriarch; son of Abraham and Sarah who was offered by Abraham as a sacrifice to God; father of Jacob and Esau
11074573-n: (Old Testament) the son of Abraham who was cast out after the birth of Isaac; considered the forebear of 12 Arabian tribes
11074870-n: (Old Testament) a son of Jacob and a forebear of one of the tribes of Israel
11079802-n: the first Stuart to be king of England and Ireland from 1603 to 1625 and king of Scotland from 1567 to 1625; he was the son of Mary Queen of Scots and he succeeded Elizabeth I; he alienated the British Parliament by claiming the divine right of kings (1566-1625)
11086279-n: youngest son of Henry II; King of England from 1199 to 1216; succeeded to the throne on the death of his brother Richard I; lost his French possessions; in 1215 John was compelled by the barons to sign the Magna Carta (1167-1216)
11087091-n: the fourth son of Edward III who was the effective ruler of England during the close of his father's reign and during the minority of Richard II; his son was Henry Bolingbroke (1340-1399)
11091863-n: (Old Testament) the 11th son of Jacob and one of the 12 patriarchs of Israel; Jacob gave Joseph a coat of many colors, which made his brothers jealous and they sold him into slavery in Egypt
11093469-n: (Old Testament) the fourth son of Jacob who was forebear of one of the tribes of Israel; one of his descendants was to be the Messiah
11111845-n: German arms manufacturer and son of Friedrich Krupp; his firm provided ordnance for German armies from the 1840s through World War II (1812-1887)
11122114-n: English paleontologist (son of Louis Leakey and Mary Leakey) who continued the work of his parents; he was appointed director of a wildlife preserve in Kenya but resigned under political pressure (born in 1944)
11127752-n: son of Lorenzo de'Medici and pope from 1513 to 1521 who excommunicated Martin Luther and who in 1521 bestowed on Henry VIII the title of Defender of the Faith (1475-1521)
11134339-n: Italian painter and son of Fra Filippo Lippi (1457-1504)
11139092-n: third son of Charlemagne and king of France and Germany and Holy Roman Emperor (778-840)
11139403-n: son of Louis II and king of the France and Germany (863-882)
11140243-n: king of France and son of Louis VIII; he led two unsuccessful Crusades; considered an ideal medieval king (1214-1270)
11162206-n: queen of Scotland from 1542 to 1567; as a Catholic she was forced to abdicate in favor of her son and fled to England where she was imprisoned by Elizabeth I; when Catholic supporters plotted to put her on the English throne she was tried and executed for sedition (1542-1587)
11174354-n: United States psychiatrist who with his sons founded a famous psychiatric clinic in Topeka (1862-1953)
11174563-n: United States psychiatrist and son of Charles Menninger (1893-1990)
11174730-n: United States psychiatrist and son of Charles Menninger (1899-1966)
11232989-n: son of Louis VII whose reign as king of France saw wars with the English that regained control of Normandy and Anjou and most of Poitou (1165-1223)
11236497-n: English statesman and son of Pitt the Elder (1759-1806)
11247897-n: son of Ptolemy I and king of Egypt who was said to be responsible for the Septuagint (circa 309-247 BC)
11258353-n: (Old Testment) a son of Jacob and forefather of one of the tribes of Israel
11259950-n: son of Henry II and King of England from 1189 to 1199; a leader of the Third Crusade; on his way home from the crusade he was captured and held prisoner in the Holy Roman Empire until England ransomed him in 1194 (1157-1199)
11307759-n: (Old Testament) son of David and king of Israel noted for his wisdom (10th century BC)
11321428-n: Austrian composer and son of Strauss the Elder; composed many famous waltzes and became known as the `waltz king' (1825-1899)
11340411-n: English physicist (son of Joseph John Thomson) who was a co-discoverer of the diffraction of electrons by crystals (1892-1975)
11343847-n: Emperor of Rome; son of Vespasian (39-81)
11347834-n: Roman Emperor and adoptive son of Nerva; extended the Roman Empire to the east and conducted an extensive program of building (53-117)
11348584-n: English historian and son of Sir George Otto Trevelyan whose works include a social history of England and a biography of Garibaldi (1876-1962)
11372599-n: English writer and historian; son of Sir Robert Walpole (1717-1797)
11388841-n: the second son of William the Conqueror who succeeded him as King of England (1056-1100)
11389301-n: King of England and Ireland; son of George III who ascended the throne after a long naval career (1765-1837)
13263257-n: right of inheritance belongs exclusively to the eldest son
13263375-n: a former English custom by which the youngest son inherited land to the exclusion of his older brothers
14170337-n: congenital tendency to uncontrolled bleeding; usually affects males and is transmitted from mother to son
15219022-n: the 10th day of Dhu'l-Hijja; all Muslims attend a service in the mosques and those who are not pilgrims perform a ritual slaughter of a sheep (commemorating God's ransom of Abraham's son from sacrifice) and give at least a third of the meat to charity