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ili-30-11669786-n CILI: i98674
WordNet Domains: plants
SUMO Ontology: BodyPart+
Basic Level Concept: 11675842-n reproductive_structure
Epinonyms: [2] reproductive_structure
[2] reproductive_structure |1|
[1] ili-30-11669335-n (has_hyperonym) |1|
[0] ili-30-11669786-n (has_hyperonym) |1|
  positivo negativo
SentiWordNet: 0 0
ML-SentiCon: 0 0
  pasado presente futuro atemporal
TempoWordNet: 0 0 0 1

Explorar o ámbito terminolóxico en [Termonet]
GL Variantes
- flósculo [ˈflɔskulo̝] · [RILG] [DRAG]
CA Variantes
- floret
ES Variantes
- florete
- flósculo
EN Variantes
- floret
- floweret
a diminutive flower (especially one that is part of a composite flower)
DE Variantes
- Blümchen
- Blümlein
- Röschen
IT Variantes
- fioretto
FR Variantes
- fleuron
Relacións léxico-semánticas no WordNet vía ILI (21) - Amosar / Agochar gráfico:
11669335-n: reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts
01392249-a: very small
02701099-a: of or relating to or belonging to the plant family Compositae
11669335-n: reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts
02216694-a: composed of a dense cluster of separate units such as carpels or florets or drupelets
11911591-n: plants with heads composed of many florets: aster; daisy; dandelion; goldenrod; marigold; lettuces; ragweed; sunflower; thistle; zinnia
11915214-n: considered the most highly evolved dicotyledonous plants, characterized by florets arranged in dense heads that resemble single flowers
11916696-n: ubiquitous strong-scented mat-forming Eurasian herb of wasteland, hedgerow or pasture having narrow serrate leaves and small usually white florets; widely naturalized in North America
11930571-n: silky-leaved aromatic perennial of dry northern parts of the northern hemisphere; has tawny florets
11931540-n: European tufted aromatic perennial herb having hairy red or purple stems and dark green leaves downy white below and red-brown florets
11942144-n: genus of herbs of southwestern America having usually creamy florets followed by one-seeded fruits in a prominent bristly sheath
11945514-n: stemless perennial having large flowers with white or purple-brown florets nestled in a rosette of long spiny leaves hairy beneath; of alpine regions of southern and eastern Europe
11953038-n: perennial Old World herb having rayed flower heads with blue florets cultivated for its root and its heads of crisp edible leaves used in salads
11978233-n: any plant of the genus Helianthus having large flower heads with dark disk florets and showy yellow rays
12001924-n: herb derived from Pericallis cruenta and widely cultivated in a variety of profusely flowering forms with florets from white to pink to red or purple or violet or blue
12004987-n: herb of central and southern Europe having purple florets
12010188-n: annual herb of the eastern Himalayas (Kashmir) having purple florets and a fragrant root that yields a volatile oil used in perfumery and for preserving furs
12026018-n: any plant of the genus Tithonia; tall coarse herbs or shrubs of Mexico to Panama having large flower heads resembling sunflowers with yellow disc florets and golden-yellow to orange-scarlet rays
12269652-n: any of numerous Old World and American oaks having 6 to 8 stamens in each floret, acorns that mature in one year and leaf veins that never extend beyond the margin of the leaf
12271643-n: any of numerous American oaks having 4 stamens in each floret, acorns requiring two years to mature and leaf veins usually extending beyond the leaf margin to form points or bristles
13155451-n: the lower and stouter of the two glumes immediately enclosing the floret in most Gramineae