Galnet - WordNet 3.0 do Galego

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Galego | English

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ili-30-14168447-n CILI: i111355
WordNet Domains: medicine
SUMO Ontology: DiseaseOrSyndrome+
Basic Level Concept: 14189204-n blood_disease
Epinonyms: [3] blood_disease
[3] blood_disease |1|
[2] ili-30-14195315-n (has_hyperonym) |1|
[1] ili-30-14168176-n (has_hyperonym) |1|
[0] ili-30-14168447-n (has_hyperonym) |1|
  positivo negativo
SentiWordNet: 0.375 0.375
ML-SentiCon: 0.125 0.125
  pasado presente futuro atemporal
TempoWordNet: 0 0.002 0.998 0

Explorar o ámbito terminolóxico en [Termonet]
GL Variantes
- especializado anemia_sideroblástica · [RILG] [DRAG]
CA Variantes
- anèmia_sideroblàstica
ES Variantes
- anemia_sideroblástica
- siderochrestic_anemia
EN Variantes
- sideroblastic_anaemia
- sideroblastic_anemia
- siderochrestic_anaemia
- siderochrestic_anemia
Relacións léxico-semánticas no WordNet vía ILI (4) - Amosar / Agochar gráfico:
14168176-n: any of various anemic conditions that are not successfully treated by any means other than blood transfusions (and that are not associated with another primary disease)
05285623-n: the fatty network of connective tissue that fills the cavities of bones
05448827-n: an erythroblast having granules of ferritin
14168176-n: any of various anemic conditions that are not successfully treated by any means other than blood transfusions (and that are not associated with another primary disease)