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ili-30-14864961-n CILI: i115178
WordNet Domains: geology
SUMO Ontology: Mineral+
Top Ontology: Natural+ Solid+ Substance+
Basic Level Concept: 14662574-n mineral
Epinonyms: [2] mineral
[2] mineral |1|
[1] ili-30-15049096-n (has_hyperonym) |1|
[0] ili-30-14864961-n (has_hyperonym) |1|
  positive negative
SentiWordNet: 0 0
ML-SentiCon: 0 0
  past present future atemporal
TempoWordNet: 0 0 0 1

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GL Variants
- feldespato [feldesˈpato̝] · [RILG] [DRAG]
calquera elemento dun grupo de minerais duros e cristalinos constituídos por silicatos de aluminio de potasio, sodio, calcio ou bario
CA Variants
- feldspat
EU Variants
- feldespato
ES Variants
- feldespato
EN Variants
- feldspar ['fɛˌɫdspɑr]
- felspar
any of a group of hard crystalline minerals that consist of aluminum silicates of potassium or sodium or calcium or barium
DE Variants
- Feldspat
FR Variants
- feldspath
ZH_S Variants
- 长石
Lexical relations in WordNet via ILI (27) - Show / Hide graph:
15049096-n: any of various nonmetallic minerals (calcite or feldspar) that are light in color and transparent or translucent and cleavable
14865221-n: a white or colored monoclinic feldspar
14865316-n: any of a series of triclinic feldspars that form rocks
14954822-n: a transparent or translucent gemstone with a pearly luster; some specimens are orthoclase feldspar and others are plagioclase feldspar
14654541-n: a tetravalent nonmetallic element; next to oxygen it is the most abundant element in the earth's crust; occurs in clay and feldspar and granite and quartz and sand; used as a semiconductor in transistors
00031264-n: any number of entities (members) considered as a unit
00268869-a: consisting of or containing or of the nature of crystals
14627820-n: a silvery ductile metallic element found primarily in bauxite
14629998-n: a soft silvery metallic element of the alkali earth group; found in barite
14632648-n: a white metallic element that burns with a brilliant light; the fifth most abundant element in the earth's crust; an important component of most plants and animals
14650807-n: a light soft silver-white metallic element of the alkali metal group; oxidizes rapidly in air and reacts violently with water; is abundant in nature in combined forms occurring in sea water and in carnallite and kainite and sylvite
14655371-n: a silvery soft waxy metallic element of the alkali metal group; occurs abundantly in natural compounds (especially in salt water); burns with a yellow flame and reacts violently in water; occurs in sea water and in the mineral halite (rock salt)
14662574-n: solid homogeneous inorganic substances occurring in nature having a definite chemical composition
15040033-n: a salt or ester derived from silicic acid
02610260-a: of or related to albite feldspar
14654541-n: a tetravalent nonmetallic element; next to oxygen it is the most abundant element in the earth's crust; occurs in clay and feldspar and granite and quartz and sand; used as a semiconductor in transistors
14670639-n: a fine usually white clay formed by the weathering of aluminous minerals (as feldspar); used in ceramics and as an absorbent and as a filler (e.g., in paper)
14726484-n: light-colored and fine-grained granitic rock consisting chiefly of quartz and feldspars
14773022-n: the commonest type of solidified lava; a dense dark grey fine-grained igneous rock that is composed chiefly of plagioclase feldspar and pyroxene
14865221-n: a white or colored monoclinic feldspar
14865316-n: any of a series of triclinic feldspars that form rocks
14865533-n: a widely distributed feldspar that forms rocks
14865667-n: rare plagioclastic feldspar occurring in many igneous rocks
14890286-n: plutonic igneous rock having visibly crystalline texture; generally composed of feldspar and mica and quartz
14954822-n: a transparent or translucent gemstone with a pearly luster; some specimens are orthoclase feldspar and others are plagioclase feldspar
15049096-n: any of various nonmetallic minerals (calcite or feldspar) that are light in color and transparent or translucent and cleavable
15106867-n: any of a family of glassy minerals analogous to feldspar containing hydrated aluminum silicates of calcium or sodium or potassium; formed in cavities in lava flows and in plutonic rocks