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ili-30-15203791-n CILI: i117116
WordNet Domains: time_period
SUMO Ontology: YearDuration=
Basic Level Concept: 15113229-n period
Epinonyms: [1] period
[1] period |1|
[0] ili-30-15203791-n (has_hyperonym) |1|
  positivo negativo
SentiWordNet: 0 0
ML-SentiCon: 0 0
  pasado presente futuro atemporal
TempoWordNet: 0.997 0 0.003 0

Explorar o ámbito terminolóxico en [Termonet]
GL Variantes
- Xeo ano [ˈano̝] · [RILG] [DRAG]
- prazo_dun_ano · [RILG] [DRAG]
PT Variantes
- ano [ˈɐnu]
- año
um período de tempo contendo 365 (ou 366) dias
CA Variantes
- any
és vídua des de fa un any
Període de temps que comprèn 365 dies
EU Variantes
- urte
mutikoak 7 urte ditu
Timorko sarraskia duela urtebete jazo zen
- urtebete
365 (edo 366) egunez osaturiko aldia
ES Variantes
- año
EN Variantes
- twelvemonth
- year ['jɪr]
in the year 1920
she is 4 years old
- yr
a period of time containing 365 (or 366) days
DE Variantes
- Jahr
LA Variantes
- annus
IT Variantes
- anno
FR Variantes
- an
- année
ZH_S Variantes
- 一年
- 十二个月
ZH_T Variantes
- 年頭
Relacións léxico-semánticas no WordNet vía ILI (167) - Amosar / Agochar gráfico:
15113229-n: an amount of time
15173064-n: the year in the ecclesiastical calendar; especially feast days and special seasons
15181556-n: (Roman Catholic Church) a period of remission from sin (usually granted every 25 years)
15182319-n: the calendar year just begun
15202131-n: a year that is not a leap year
15202230-n: in the Gregorian calendar: any year divisible by 4 except centenary years divisible by 400
15202424-n: a year in which no major political elections are held
15202532-n: a year in which productivity is low or inferior
15202634-n: the year (reckoned from January 1 to December 31) according to Gregorian calendar
15203120-n: any accounting period of 12 months
15204201-n: (Latin) year
15249458-n: any year of the Christian era
15249547-n: the year 2000 in the Gregorian calendar
15204983-n: a period of 10 years
01969150-a: occurring or payable every year
15113229-n: an amount of time
15155220-n: time for Earth to make a complete rotation on its axis
00060548-n: the flight of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina in 622 which marked the beginning of the Muslim era; the Muslim calendar begins in that year
00060817-n: secret aid to escaping slaves that was provided by abolitionists in the years before the American Civil War
00117267-n: extension upward of the toes when the sole of the foot is stroked firmly on the outer side from the heel to the front; normal in infants under the age of two years but a sign of brain or spinal cord injury in older persons
00516381-n: the ancient Panhellenic games held biennially on the Isthmus of Corinth in the first and third years of each Olympiad
00516559-n: the ancient Panhellenic games held biennially at Nemea in the second and fourth years of each Olympiad
00516720-n: the ancient Panhellenic celebration at Olympia in honor of Zeus; held every 4 years beginning in 776 BC
00516900-n: the ancient Panhellenic celebration at Delphi held every four years in the third year of the Olympiad in honor of Apollo
00517418-n: a cinematic festival that features films (usually films produced during the past year)
00518770-n: the centennial rites and games of ancient Rome that marked the commencement of a new generation (100 years representing the longest life in a generation); observances may have begun as early as the 5th century BC and lasted well into the Christian era
00637145-n: (formerly in Britain) an examination taken by 11 and 12 year old students to select suitable candidates for grammar school
00866882-n: flexion of the toes when the sole of the foot is stroked firmly on the outer side from the heel to the front in persons over the age of 2 years; under 2 years the results should be extension of the toes (Babinski reflex)
00992732-n: a chemical analysis used to determine the age of organic materials based on their content of the radioisotope carbon-14; believed to be reliable up to 40,000 years
00992995-n: geological dating based on the proportions of radioactive rubidium into its decay product strontium; radioactive rubidium has a half-life of 47,000,000,000 years
01027662-n: a ceremonial purification of the Roman population every five years following the census
01092769-n: an agreement for free trade between the United States and Canada and Mexico; became effective in 1994 for ten years
01309395-n: (Greek mythology) a great war fought between Greece and Troy; the Greeks sailed to Troy to recover Helen of Troy, the beautiful wife of Menelaus who had been abducted by Paris; after ten years the Greeks (via the Trojan Horse) achieved final victory and burned Troy to the ground
01318478-n: an animal (especially birds and fish) that travels between different habitats at particular times of the year
01515398-n: extinct primitive birds of the Triassic period; 70 million years before archaeopteryx
01635027-n: salamanders found near cold streams throughout the year
01718808-n: a turkey-sized long-legged fossil 75 million years old found in the Gobi Desert having bird-like fused wrist bones and keeled breastbone and a long tail resembling a dinosaur's; short forelimbs end in a single claw instead of wings; classification as bird or dinosaur is in dispute
01720266-n: shrew-sized protomammal from the Alberta region of Canada; from about 55 million years ago (much more recent than other mammal-like reptiles)
01792429-n: a young domestic cock; not older than one year
01793249-n: young hen usually less than a year old
01888181-n: an animal in its second year
02161737-n: an order of insect identified in 2002 in a 45 million year old piece of amber from the Baltic region
02257284-n: North American cicada; appears in great numbers at infrequent intervals because the nymphs take 13 to 17 years to mature
02326763-n: a young hare especially one in its first year
02385214-n: a racehorse considered one year old until the second Jan. 1 following its birth
02412787-n: a sheep up to the age of one year; one yet to be sheared
02430748-n: male deer in his second year
02431542-n: male red deer in its second year
02476219-n: any of several extinct humanlike bipedal primates with relatively small brains of the genus Australopithecus; from 1 to 4 million years ago
02476567-n: fossils found in Ethiopia; from 3.5 to 4 million years ago
02476870-n: gracile hominid of southern Africa; from about 3 million years ago
02477028-n: large-toothed hominid of eastern Africa; from 1 to 2 million years ago
02477329-n: large-toothed hominid of southern Africa; from 1.5 to 2 million years ago; formerly Paranthropus
02479332-n: extinct primate of about 38 million years ago; fossils found in Egypt
02479634-n: tiny (150 to 300 grams) extinct primate of 46 to 50 million years ago; fossils found in Algeria; considered by some authorities the leading candidate for the first anthropoid
02496210-n: extinct small mostly diurnal lower primates that fed on leaves and fruit; abundant in North America and Europe 30 to 50 million years ago; their descendents probably include the lemurs; some authorities consider them ancestral to anthropoids but others consider them only cousins
02500749-n: extinct tiny nocturnal lower primates that fed on fruit and insects; abundant in North America and Europe 30 to 50 million years ago; probably gave rise to the tarsiers; some authorities consider them ancestral to anthropoids but others consider them only cousins
02535080-n: a young salmon up to 2 years old
02744077-n: the large temple of the Greek goddess Artemis which was begun at Ephesus in 541 BC and completed 220 years later; the temple was destroyed by the Goths in 262
02864824-a: relating to a millennium or span of a thousand years
03073016-n: a huge bronze statue of the sun god Helios that was built around 285 BC and that stood beside the harbor entrance on the island of Rhodes for about 50 years before it was toppled by an earthquake
03833294-n: a bullfight in which the bulls are less than four years old
03893732-n: the main temple of the goddess Athena; built on the acropolis in Athens more than 400 years B.C.; example of Doric architecture
04924491-n: age measured by the time (years and months) that something or someone has existed
04971522-n: a pink dye that was discovered in 1859, the year a battle was fought at Solferino
05880187-n: a law stating that the ratio of the square of the revolutionary period (in years) to the cube of the orbital axis (in astronomical units) is the same for all planets
05887911-n: (cosmology) the theory that the universe originated sometime between 10 billion and 20 billion years ago from the cataclysmic explosion of a small volume of matter at extremely high density and temperature
06394282-n: a clause that used to be part of the contract with a professional athlete extending the contract for a year beyond its expiration
06417279-n: (Roman Catholic Church) a book containing all the prayers and responses needed to celebrate Mass throughout the year
06426279-n: an annual publication containing tabular information in a particular field or fields arranged according to the calendar of a given year
06426655-n: an annual publication including weather forecasts and other miscellaneous information arranged according to the calendar of a given year
06426865-n: an annual publication containing astronomical tables that give the positions of the celestial bodies throughout the year
06515662-n: a chronological account of events in successive years
06549115-n: return required of a taxpayer whose tax withheld from income does not meet the tax liability for the year
06704115-n: a doctorate usually based on at least 3 years graduate study and a dissertation; the highest degree awarded graduate study
06704898-n: a three-year law degree
07457126-n: the modern revival of the ancient games held once every 4 years in a selected country
07464568-n: a soccer tournament held every four years between national soccer teams to determine a world champion
08231999-n: a commercially sponsored baseball league for players between 8 and 12 years of age
08238909-n: the body of students who graduate together this year
08239590-n: the second class in a four-year college or high school
08266849-n: a tabular array of the days (usually for one year)
08282364-n: a college that offers only the first two years terminating in an associate degree
08358165-n: the quorum required by Jewish law to be present for public worship (at least ten males over thirteen years of age)
08587571-n: a preserve on which hunting is permitted during certain months of the year
08811473-n: the capital of Sicily; located in northwestern Sicily; an important port for 3000 years
08831004-n: a nation occupying the whole of the Australian continent; Aboriginal tribes are thought to have migrated from southeastern Asia 20,000 years ago; first Europeans were British convicts sent there as a penal colony
08951077-n: a city in the western Netherlands; residence of the Pilgrim Fathers for 11 years before they sailed for America in 1620
08965598-n: a landlocked republic in northwestern Africa; achieved independence from France in 1960; Mali was a center of West African civilization for more than 4,000 years
08982289-n: a volcano on Luzon to the northwest of Manila; erupted in 1991 after 600 years of dormancy
09017526-n: a landlocked republic in southwestern Asia; formerly an Asian soviet; modern Armenia is but a fragment of ancient Armenia which was one of the world's oldest civilizations; throughout 2500 years the Armenian people have been invaded and oppressed by their neighbors
09177385-n: an active volcano in the Cascade Range in southwestern Washington; erupted violently in 1980 after 123 years of inactivity
09324118-n: part of the Arctic Ocean to the north of Siberia and to the east of the Barents Sea; icebound most of the year
09336052-n: part of the Arctic Ocean to the north of Siberia (between the Taimyr Peninsula and the New Siberian Islands) that is icebound most of the year
09486424-n: (Greek mythology) the mythical Greek king who for 30 years did not clean his stables which contained his vast herd of cattle
09490210-n: (Greek mythology) the sea nymph who detained Odysseus for seven years
09500936-n: a legendary Arabian bird said to periodically burn itself to death and emerge from the ashes as a new phoenix; according to most versions only one phoenix lived at a time and it renewed itself every 500 years
09532553-n: the Bodhisattva who is to appear as a Buddha 5000 years after the death of Gautama
09593144-n: (Greek mythology) the wife of Odysseus and a symbol of devotion and fidelity; for 10 years while Odysseus fought the Trojan War she resisted numerous suitors until Odysseus returned and killed them
09603471-n: the title character in a story by Washington Irving about a man who sleeps for 20 years and doesn't recognize the world when he wakens
09627263-n: a preadolescent boy or girl (usually between 9 and 12 years of age)
09724365-n: a member of the Nepalese force that has been part of the British army for 200 years; known for fierceness in combat
09827683-n: a very young child (birth to 1 year) who has not yet begun to walk or talk
09836658-n: a bullfighter who is required to fight bulls less than four years of age
09904208-n: someone who is at least 100 years old
09912765-n: a Palestinian juvenile 10-15 years old who fights against the Israelis
10267561-n: a player between 8 and 12 years of age who is a member of a little-league team
10314054-n: a man who is roughly between 45 and 65 years old
10829733-n: Arabian physician and influential Islamic philosopher; his interpretation of Aristotle influenced St. Thomas Aquinas; writings on medicine were important for almost 500 years (980-1037)
10870440-n: United States tennis player who in 1938 was the first to win the Australian and French and English and United States singles championship in the same year (1915-2000)
10907236-n: United States tennis player who was the first woman to win the United States, British, French, and Australian championships in the same year (1953) (1934-1969)
10935745-n: Danish writer who lived in Kenya for 19 years and is remembered for her writings about Africa (1885-1962)
11025125-n: English writer whose novel about a lesbian relationship was banned in Britain for many years (1883-1943)
11058914-n: United States lawyer who was director of the FBI for 48 years (1895-1972)
11087767-n: the first Pope born in Poland; the first Pope not born in Italy in 450 years (1920-2005)
11119634-n: Australian tennis player who in 1962 was the second man to win the Australian and French and English and United States singles titles in the same year; in 1969 he repeated this feat (born in 1938)
11121876-n: English paleontologist (the wife of Louis Leakey) who discovered the Zinjanthropus skull that was 1,750,000 years old (1913-1996)
11141709-n: United States prizefighter who was world heavyweight champion for 12 years (1914-1981)
11177370-n: (Old Testament) a patriarch (grandfather of Noah) who is said to have lived 969 years
11291824-n: Scottish sailor who was put ashore on a deserted island off the coast of Chile for five years (providing the basis for Daniel Defoe's novel about Robinson Crusoe) (1676-1721)
11357879-n: Irish prelate who deduced from the Bible that Creation occurred in the year 4004 BC (1581-1656)
11488828-n: a more intense El Nino that occurs every few years when the welling up of cold nutrient-rich water does not occur; kills plankton and fish and affects weather patterns
11552806-n: (botany) a plant that completes its entire life cycle within the space of a year
11599324-n: curious plant of arid regions of southwestern Africa having a yard-high and yard-wide trunk like a turnip with a deep taproot and two large persistent woody straplike leaves growing from the base; living relic of a flora long disappeared; some may be 700-5000 years old
11612575-n: small slow-growing pine of western United States similar to the bristlecone pine; chocolate brown bark in plates and short needles in bunches of 5; crown conic but becoming rough and twisted; oldest plant in the world growing to 5000 years in cold semidesert mountain tops
11617272-n: small slow-growing upland pine of western United States (Rocky Mountains) having dense branches with fissured rust-brown bark and short needles in bunches of 5 and thorn-tipped cone scales; among the oldest living things some over 4500 years old
11642622-n: Mexico's most famous tree; a giant specimen of Montezuma cypress more than 2,000 years old with a girth of 165 feet at Santa Maria del Tule
12214245-n: a living fossil or so-called `green dinosaur'; genus or subfamily of primitive nut-bearing trees thought to have died out 50 million years ago; a single specimen found in 1994 on Mount Bartle Frere in eastern Australia; not yet officially named
12269652-n: any of numerous Old World and American oaks having 6 to 8 stamens in each floret, acorns that mature in one year and leaf veins that never extend beyond the margin of the leaf
12271643-n: any of numerous American oaks having 4 stamens in each floret, acorns requiring two years to mature and leaf veins usually extending beyond the leaf margin to form points or bristles
12274151-n: medium-large deciduous timber tree of central and southern United States; acorns deeply immersed in the cup and mature in first year
12381666-n: resinous succulent trees or shrubs of desert and semidesert regions of southwestern United States that are leafless most of the year
12477163-n: widely cultivated American monocarpic plant with greenish-white flowers on a tall stalk; blooms only after ten to twenty years and then dies
13099833-n: a plant having foliage that persists and remains green throughout the year
13163991-n: a small branch or division of a branch (especially a terminal division); usually applied to branches of the current or preceding year
13257511-n: the measure of an economy adopted by the United States in 1991; the total market values of goods and services produced by workers and capital within a nation's borders during a given period (usually 1 year)
13274892-n: a statistical adjustment made to accommodate predictable fluctuations as a function of the season of the year
13277492-n: the cost (over a period of five years) of organizing a new corporation or partnership
13298935-n: a present given at Christmas for services during the year
13361624-n: a trust established to shift the income to someone who is taxed at a lower rate than the grantor for a period of 10 years or more
13394792-n: a debt instrument with maturities of 10 years or longer
13394907-n: securities with maturities of 1 to 10 years; sold for cash or in exchange for maturing issues or at auction
13410458-n: a system of recording all of a country's economic transactions with the rest of the world over a period of one year
13415043-n: a municipal debt instrument with a maturity of less than 2 years
13571943-n: urinary incontinence that is generally attributable to involuntary contracts of the bladder muscle resulting in an urgent need to urinate accompanied by a sudden loss of urine; most common in people over 60 years of age
13656520-n: the distance that light travels in a vacuum in 1 year; 5.88 trillion miles or 9.46 trillion kilometers
13751036-n: a sum or aggregate of one thousand (especially one thousand years)
13967215-n: a Shiite tradition of temporary marriage permitted in Iran that allows a couple to specify the terms of their relationship; can last from a few minutes to 99 years
14013368-n: the state of the economy declines; a widespread decline in the GDP and employment and trade lasting from six months to a year
14109101-n: a progressive disease of the central nervous system marked by increasing lack of coordination and advancing to paralysis and death within a year of the appearance of symptoms; thought to have been transmitted by cannibalistic consumption of diseased brain tissue since the disease virtually disappeared when cannibalism was abandoned
14128812-n: a congenital disease affecting T cells that can result from a mutation in any one of several different genes; children with it are susceptible to infectious disease; if untreated it is lethal within the first year or two of life
14161515-n: a form of muscular dystrophy that sets in between 40 and 60 years of age and is characterized by weakness and wasting of the muscles of the hands and forearms and lower legs; inheritance is autosomal dominant
14250850-n: malignant ocular tumor of retinal cells; usually occurs before the third year of life; composed of primitive small round retinal cells
14344189-n: a rare chronic progressive encephalitis caused by the measles virus and occurring primarily in children and young adults; death usually occurs within three years; characterized by primary measles infection before the age of two years
14431015-n: the advanced level of a subject taken in school (usually two years after O level)
15124183-n: the period from about 5,400 million years ago until the present
15124361-n: approximately the last 63 million years
15124545-n: last 2 million years
15124713-n: approximately the last 10,000 years
15124864-n: from two million to 11 thousand years ago; extensive glaciation of the northern hemisphere; the time of human evolution
15125097-n: from 63 million to 2 million years ago
15125323-n: from 13 million to 2 million years ago; growth of mountains; cooling of climate; more and larger mammals
15125519-n: from 25 million to 13 million years ago; appearance of grazing mammals
15125679-n: from 40 million to 25 million years ago; appearance of sabertoothed cats
15125845-n: from 58 million to 40 million years ago; presence of modern mammals
15126000-n: from 63 million to 58 million years ago; appearance of birds and earliest mammals
15145171-n: a time of life (usually defined in years) at which some particular qualification or power arises