Galnet - WordNet 3.0 do Galego

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Extracción terminolóxica

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Este synset non ten categoría gramatical nominal. Aconséllase iniciar a exploración desde un synset que represente un ámbito terminolóxico.
- 00358089-n compaction, crunch, crush | | the act of crushing  { [4] actuation }
- 00358290-n grind, mill, pulverisation, pulverization | | the act of grinding to a powder or dust  { [5] actuation }
- 03724417-n masher | | a kitchen utensil used for mashing (e.g. potatoes)  { [3] implement }
- 03765561-n grinder, mill, milling_machinery | muíño | machinery that processes materials by grinding or crushing  { [2] machine }
- 05307773-n grinder, molar | moa, molar | grinding tooth with a broad crown; located behind the premolars  { [4] animal_tissue }
- 07805254-n mash | | mixture of ground animal feeds  { [2] food }
- 09294716-n grinding | | material resulting from the process of grinding { [2] material }
- 11460063-n abrasion, attrition, detrition, grinding | | the wearing down of rock particles by friction due to water or wind or ice  { [4] physical_phenomenon }
- 14948645-n mash | papa | a mixture of mashed malt grains and hot water; used in brewing  { [2] mixture }

1. Límite de distancia (nivel máximo de exploración de cada relación):

+ Configuración avanzada
2 synsets, 0 deles (0 %) con 0 variantes en galego
[0]  80000009-v  | eng:     | glg:   { [4] food  [4] machine  [4] material  [4] mixture }
[+1]   1   has_hyperonym   00331082-v  |  eng:  bray, comminute, crunch, grind, mash    { [3] food  [3] machine  [3] material  [3] mixture }

Verificación dos termos nun corpus etiquetado semanticamente (UKB)
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Seminario de Lingüística Informática - Grupo TALG, Universidade de Vigo, 2019
Deseño e programación: Xavier Gómez Guinovart & Miguel Solla
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