noun or adjective
EN He wished she would try to be more accurate, he said: 'Tell me --which is East, which is West?' he said, half laughing at her, half scolding her, for he could not understand the state of mind of anyone, not absolutely imbecile, who did not know the points of the compass.
GL Desexaba que Cam tentase ser máis exacta, e dixo: «Dime... ¿onde está o leste e onde o oeste?», preguntoulle medio de brincadeira, medio anoxado con ela, pois non daba entendido o cerebro de alguén que, non sendo absolutamente parvo, non distingue os puntos cardinais.
Fonte: CAR (2609)
EN With another woman, a totally different one, he might have feared the recall possibly even some imbecile "offer".
GL Doutra muller, dunha totalmente diferente, podería temer mesmo o recordo dalgunha ridícula "proposición".
Fonte: BES (63)