EN You only get lions and tigers in big countries like Africa and India.
GL Os leóns e mailos tigres hainos só nos países grandes coma África e maila India...
Fonte: SEN (2338)
..... sea lion
león mariño
EN Mr Ramsay rather sheepishly prodded his son's bare legs once more, and then, as if he had her leave for it, with a movement which oddly reminded his wife of the great sea lion at the Zoo tumbling backwards after swallowing his fish and walloping off so that the water in the tank washes from side to side, he dived into the evening air.
GL O señor Ramsay, apoucado, beliscou outra vez a perna espida do seu fillo, e logo, coma se ela lle dese permiso, cun movemento que á súa muller lle traía a estraña lembranza do gran león mariño do zoo cando se esborralla para atrás despois de larpa-lo peixe e se afasta dando tombos de xeito que a auga do estanque ondea dun lado a outro, mergullouse no aire da tarde.
Fonte: CAR (379)