EN He longed for the minor sacred offices, to be vested with the tunicle of subdeacon at high mass, to stand aloof from the altar, forgotten by the people, his shoulders covered with a humeral veil, holding the paten within its folds or, when the sacrifice had been accomplished, to stand as deacon in a dalmatic of cloth of gold on the step below the celebrant, his hands joined and his face towards the people, and sing the chant Ite, missa est.
GL Ansiaba os oficios sacros menores; revestirse coa túnica de subdiácono na misa maior, ficar afastado do altar, esquecido da xente, cos ombreiros cubertos polo amicto e a patena dobrada entre os seu pregos ou, cando o sacrificio xa tivera lugar, actuar de diácono, con dalmática de pano dourado, no banzo inferior ao do celebrante, coas mans unidas e o rostro dirixido para os fregueses, entoando o canto Ite missa est.
Fonte: RET (3173)