EN I'm so grateful! Just to find a human interest once more, in some voice and in some eye, in me and affairs of mine, after what I've been through here-- lord!
GL ¡Estou tan agradecido! tan só por volver atopar interese, na voz e na mirada de alguén, tanto por min coma polos meus asuntos, tras dos cales cheguei ata aquí... ¡señor!
Fonte: BIL (277)
transitive verb
EN He laid aside, too, all the dominant dignity and absolute sway with which he lorded it in his little empire, the school, and became wonderfully gentle and ingratiating.
GL Tamén deixaba de lado toda a arrogancia e a autoridade absoluta coa que dominaba o seu pequeno imperio, a escola, e volvíase incriblemente amable e afagador.
Fonte: LEN (47)