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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- beret, Berlin, Bermuda, Berne, berry, berserk, berth, beryl, beseech, beset, besetting, beside, besides, besiege, besotted, bespatter, bespeak, best, bestial


- transitive verb
- PAST: beset. PART: beset
- acosar

EN Bodily unrest and chill and weariness beset him, routing his thoughts.
GL Estaba acosado polo desacougo corporal, polos calafríos, pola canseira, que facían liscar os seus pensamentos.
- Fonte: RET (2746)
- asediar

EN This idea of surrender had a perilous attraction for his mind now that he felt his soul beset once again by the insistent voices of the flesh which began to murmur to him again during his prayers and meditations.
GL A idea da rendición exercía un perigoso atractivo para a súa mente agora que sentía a alma de novo asediada polas teimosas voces da carne, que comezaban a murmurar contra el durante preces e meditacións.
- Fonte: RET (3080)
- abourar

EN These solitudes, it is well known, are the haunts of demons and evil spirits, who beset us poor shepherds in our lonely watchings, enter into and possess our flocks and herds, and sometimes render even the patient camel furious; against these our counter-charm is music; and we have legendary airs handed down from generation to generation, that we chant and pipe, to cast forth these evil spirits.
GL Esas soidades, é ben sabido, son os cubís de demos e espíritos malignos que nos abouran, a nós pobres pastores, na nosas solitarias espreitas, entran no noso gando e apodéranse dos nosos rabaños e laradas, e ás veces tornan furioso mesmo o paciente camelo; contra eles o noso antiesconxuro é a música, e temos melodías tradicionais que pasan de xeración en xeración, que cantamos e tocamos na chirimía para deitar fóra eses espíritos malignos.
- Fonte: ALH (757)
- asexar

EN The holy influence of my dear mother was ever about me to protect me from the temptations which beset youth, and my father was a deacon in a church.
GL A bendita influencia da miña querida nai seguiu protexéndome das tentacións que asexan á mocidade, e ademais meu pai era diácono nunha igrexa.
- Fonte: OIL (91)
- azoutar

EN Three centuries have passed since I quaffed the fatal beverage: another year shall not elapse before, encountering gigantic dangers --warring with the powers of frost in their home --beset by famine, toil, and tempest --I yield this body, too tenacious a cage for a soul which thirsts for freedom, to the destructive elements of air and water.
GL Xa pasaron tres séculos desde o funesto día en que bebín aquela poción e non ha de pasar outro ano antes de que, enfrontándome a enormes perigos, loitando contra as forzas do xeo no seu propio terreo, azoutado polo temporal, a fame e maila fatiga, abandone á acción da chuvia e o vento este corpo que se converteu nunha gaiola demasiado resistente para unha alma tan sedenta de liberdade.
- Fonte: MOR (264)
- afectar

EN That has helped to undermine the legitimacy of states already beset by fiscal crisis --especially in the South, where countries are struggling with "structural adjustment".
GL Isto contribuíu a restar lexitimidade e a fraxilizar Estados afectados xa por unha crise fiscal, sobre todo nos países do Sur sometidos a axustes estructurais
- Fonte: C01 (233)