EN And like blots upon the landscape rose the cupolas above the ways to the Under-world.
GL E coma manchóns elevándose na paisaxe, erguíanse as cúpulas sobre os carreiros do Mundo Inferior.
Fonte: TEM (1691)
EN But the worst of all was Fleming's theme because the pages were stuck together by a blot: and Father Arnall held it up by a corner and said it was an insult to any master to send him up such a theme.
GL Pero o peor de todos era o de Fleming porque as páxinas estaban pegadas unhas a outras cun borrón de tinta: e o Padre Arnall collérao por unha esquina e dixera que era unha aldraxe para calquer profesor o presentarlle semellante caderno.
Fonte: RET (1061)
transitive verb
EN I found myself within a strange city, where all things might have served to blot from recollection the sweet dreams I had dreamed so long in the Valley of the Many-Colored Grass.
GL Atopábame nunha cidade estraña onde tódalas cousas podían servir para esquece-lo recordo dos soños tan doces que tiven no val da Herba Multicolor.
Fonte: LEO (71)
..... to blot out
EN He was a shrimp of a boy, about six years old, and one side of his face was blotted out by a mulberry-coloured birthmark.
GL Era unha mioquiña de rapaz, duns seis anos, que tiña unha parte da cara medio emborranchada por unha marca de nacemento da cor da amora.
Fonte: SEN (868)
EN The victims of evil may, in their personal lives, be tempted to try to forget the experience completely, blotting out painful or humiliating memories.
GL As víctimas do mal poden sentirse tentadas a esquecer completamente a súa experiencia e a borra-los seus recordos dolorosos ou humillantes.
Fonte: C23 (42)