EN The next one had on it: Why has south eastern Alaska so many caning factories?
GL E na seguinte: ¿Por que hai tantas fábricas de conservas?
Fonte: VIX (5211)
EN While caning is a regular feature in schools, some students have suffered serious injuries which include "bruises and cuts, broken bones, knocked-out teeth and internal bleeding," says a recent report from the New York-based non-governmental organization Human Rights Watch (HRW) titled Spare the Child: Corporal Punishment in Kenyan Schools.
GL As malleiras son cousa frecuente nas escolas, e algúns estudiantes sufriron lesións graves como "hematomas e cortes, fracturas, rotura de dentes e hemorraxias internas", segundo sinala Human Rights Watch (HRW), unha ONG con sede en Nova York, nun informe recente titulado Protexe-los nenos: o castigo corporal nas escolas kenyanas.
Fonte: C23 (975)