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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- cesspool, CFC, Chad, chador, chadri, chaff, chaffering, chagrin, chain, chair, chairman, chairmanship, chairperson, chairwoman, chalice, chalk, chalky, challenge, challenger


- noun
- cadeira

EN He lay on his chair with his hands clasped above his paunch not reading or sleeping, but basking like a creature gorged with existence.
GL Estaba deitado na súa cadeira coas mans cruzadas sobre o bandullo, sen ler nin durmir, tomando o sol coma unha criatura que rebordaba vida.
- Fonte: CAR (2821)
- asento

EN I could see him edging his chair round to block my way out.
GL Vin que colocaba o seu asento de lado para bloquearme a saída.
- Fonte: TER (277)
- cátedra

EN The writer of the article in the Edinburgh Review, I suppose upon the internal evidence to have been the late Dr. Thomas Brown, a pupil of Mr. Dugald Stewart's, and his successor in the Moral Philosophy chair at Edinburgh.
GL O escritor do artigo na Edimburgh Review, supoño que foi, por evidencias internas, o finado Dr. Thomas Brown, un pupilo do Sr. Dugald Stewart e o seu sucesor na cátedra de filosofía Moral en Edimburgo.
- Fonte: LET (581)
.....--- to be in the chair
- ter o control

EN Russia, you remember, was in the chair as far as the Inner Stadt was concerned, and when Russia was in the chair, you expected certain irregularities.
GL Lembrarán que, naqueles momentos, Rusia tiña o control da Cidade Interior e, polo tanto, poderían producirse irregularidades.
- Fonte: TER (1808)
.....--- easy chair
- butacón

EN Unlike most actresses' rooms this one was almost bare; no wardrobe packed with clothes, no clutter of cosmetics and grease paints; a dressing-gown on the door, one sweater he recognised from Act II on the only easy chair, a tin of half-used paints and grease.
GL A diferencia da maior parte dos camerinos das actrices, aquel estaba case vougo: o armario non estaba ateigado de roupa, non había mestura de cosméticos e pinturas; había só unha bata pendurada na porta, unha rebeca (que recoñeceu porque a usaba no segundo acto) no único butacón, unha lata de pinturas a medio uso, e tamén fixador.
- Fonte: TER (630)

- transitive verb
- presidir

EN In 1998-99, I chaired a public hearing on the improvement of telephone billing that addressed the making available of hitherto undisclosed and uncollected call details.
GL En 1998-99 presidín unha audiencia pública organizada co obxecto de mellora-las facturas telefónicas coa agregación de detalles relativos ás chamadas.
- Fonte: C07 (962)