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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- chain, chair, chairman, chairmanship, chairperson, chairwoman, chalice, chalk, chalky, challenge, challenger, challenging, chamber, chambermaid, champagne, champion, championship, chance, chancel


- noun
- desafío

EN This interesting riddle is still quite a challenge to modern science in the twentieth century.
GL Este interesante enigma aínda é un desafío para a ciencia do século vinte.
- Fonte: VIX (329)
- reto

EN Above all, literacy has to help people develop self-confidence and take charge of their own lives, equipped with the tools to tackle whatever challenges that might arise.
GL Sobre todo, ha de contribuír a que o individuo adquira confianza en si mesmo e se faga cargo do seu destino, brindándolle as ferramentas indispensables para facer fronte a tódolos retos que poidan presentarse.
- Fonte: C05 (792)

- transitive verb
- desafiar

EN It was shadowy and dreadful, and yet it called to him and threatened him and challenged him.
GL E a noite era sombría e aterradora pero chamaba por el, e ameazábao e desafiábao.
- Fonte: PER (959)
- retar

EN Other worshipful objects were content with worship; men, women, God, all let one kneel prostrate; but this form, were it only the shape of a white lamp-shade looming on a wicker table, roused one to perpetual combat, challenged one to a fight in which one was bound to be worsted.
GL Outros obxectos dignos de veneración conformábanse con iso; homes, mulleres, Deus, todos deixaban que nos axeonllasemos diante deles; pero esta forma, aínda que non fose máis cá sombra da pantalla dunha lámpada branca nunha mesa de vimbio, obrigábanos a un combate perpetuo, retábanos a unha loita da que non podiamos saír ben parados.
- Fonte: CAR (2458)
- parar

EN When Roger came to the neck of land that joined the Castle Rockto the mainland he was not surprised to be challenged.
GL Cando Roger chegou ó paso que unía o castelo das rochas coa terra firme, non se sorprendeu de que o parasen.
- Fonte: SEN (4803)
- cuestionar

EN Institutions of all kinds, civic and corporate, are being challenged by the rise of adaptable and flexible organizations, made possible by advances in communications and information technology.
GL Os progresos das técnicas de información e de comunicación, así como a aparición de formas de organización flexibles cuestionan as institucións de todo tipo, públicas ou privadas.
- Fonte: C17 (82)
- pór en dúbida

EN Until the end of the Cold War, few people dared challenge this dictum originating in the philosophy of the Enlightenment and given greater force after the Second World War.
GL Ata o remate da guerra fría, uns poucos contestatarios atrevíanse a pór en dúbida este postulado, herdado da filosofía das Luces e reforzado despois da Segunda Guerra Mundial.
- Fonte: C20 (12)