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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- checkered, checking, checklist, checkpoint, checkroom, checkup, cheek, cheep, cheer, cheerful, cheerfully, cheerfulness, cheerily, cheering, cheerless, cheery, cheese, chef, chemical


- adjective
- alegre

EN The people of Melgueiras, cut off from civilization, have a very cheerful air and are kindly, pleasant and simple; the chief event of their lives is a pilgrimage to Santiago.
GL A xente de Melgueiras, illada da civilización, ten un aire moi alegre e amable, agradable e simple; o acontecemento principal das súas vidas é a peregrinaxe a Santiago.
- Fonte: GAL (819)
- animado

EN He said the most melancholy things, but she noticed that directly he had said them he always seemed more cheerful than usual.
GL Dicía unhas cousas moi deprimentes, pero decatouse de que nada máis dicilas semellaba máis animado ca de costume.
- Fonte: CAR (995)
- ledo

EN The picture I have of him on my files is an excellent one: he is caught by a street photographer with his stocky legs apart, big shoulders a little hunched, a belly that has known too much good food for too long, on his face a look of cheerful rascality, a geniality, a recognition that his happiness will make the world's day.
GL A foto que eu teño nos arquivos é excelente: un fotógrafo ambulante retratouno coas pernas firmes e separadas, algo cargado de ombros, cunha barriga que mimara por moito tempo e no rostro unha expresión de leda picardía, un tipo xenial, sabedor de que a súa ledicia era o mellor que lle podía ocorrer ao mundo.
- Fonte: TER (2046)
- entusiasta

EN The dinner was quiet and uninteresting, save for the cheerful efforts of Arobin to enliven things.
GL Foi unha cea tranquila, desprovista de interese, salvante os entusiastas esforzos de Arobin por anima-la cousa.
- Fonte: ESP (2061)