EN The gipsy student responded to the close of the period by crying: --Three cheers for universal brotherhood!
GL O estudiante xitano respondeu ao remate desta perorata berrando: --¡Tres vivas pola fraternidade universal!
Fonte: RET (3837)
EN The cheers died away in the soft grey air.
GL As ovacións morreron no aire gris e mol.
Fonte: RET (1325)
EN Ringing mobile phones, outbursts of cheers and jeers and intermissions with songs and skits help keep spectators awake.
GL As aclamacións, os apupos, as cancións dos descansos e dos anuncios satíricos manteñen espertos os espectadores.
Fonte: C20 (1112)
transitive verb
EN His arm was almost like a young man's arm, Mrs Ramsay thought, thin and hard, and she thought with delight how strong he still was, though he was over sixty, and how untamed and optimistic, and how strange it was that being convinced, as he was, of all sorts of horrors, seemed not to depress him, but to cheer him.
GL O seu brazo, delgado e rexo, case era coma o dun rapaz novo, matinaba a señora Ramsay, e pensou con ledicia no forte que aínda estaba, malia pasar xa dos sesenta, e que rebelde e optimista, e que estraño resultaba que o feito de ser consciente, como en realidade o era, de todo tipo de horrores, non semellase deprimilo, senón animalo.
Fonte: CAR (1004)
..... to cheer on
EN Millions of players and competitors strive for stardom and millions of fans cheer their heroes on.
GL Millóns de deportistas afánanse por destacaren sobre os demais e millóns de afeccionados aclaman os seus ídolos.
Fonte: C14 (5)