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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- bighorn, bigotry, bigun, bike, biker, bilateral, bilingual, bilingualism, bilious, bill, billiards, billing, billion, billionaire, billow, binary, bind, binding, bingo


- check

- noun
- factura

EN I'll let Leonce pay the bills.
GL Deixareille as facturas a Léonce.
- Fonte: ESP (2414)
- conta

EN A man can't go suddenly and unexpectedly on his longest journey without forgetting this or that, without leaving a bill unpaid, an official form unanswered, the photograph of a girl.
GL Un home non pode saír de improviso e ás carreiras na súa derradeira viaxe sen esquecer isto ou o outro, sen deixar unha conta que pagar, un aviso sen resposta, a foto dunha rapaza...
- Fonte: TER (902)
- lei

EN That is why the bill, originally drafted by a former president and current senator, Itamar Franco, will be introduced only gradually over a five-year period.
GL Por iso, a lei, cun texto orixinal obra do ex-presidente e actual senador Itamar Franco, aplicarase paulatinamente durante cinco anos.
- Fonte: C01 (945)
- recibo

EN At the end of each month, the teachers, who are on yearly contracts, make out a bill and the directors of the ACE pay their salaries and send the staff's contributions to the national social security and pension authorities.
GL Cada fin de mes, os mestres --que dispoñen dun contrato anual-- elaboran un recibo e os directivos da ACE encárganse de aboárlle-los seus salarios e de envia-las respectivas cotas do persoal docente ó Instituto Salvadoreño de Seguro Social e á administración de pensións.
- Fonte: C02 (387)
- proxecto de lei

EN He introduced his own bill requiring a judge to oversee the process, but the British authorities rejected it.
GL Á fin e ó cabo presentou o seu propio proxecto de lei, que esixía a supervisión do dispositivo por un xuíz, o cal foi rexeitado polas autoridades británicas.
- Fonte: C07 (451)
- chauvinism, chauvinist, cheap, cheapen, cheaply, cheapness, cheat, cheater, cheating, check, checkered, checking, checklist, checkpoint, checkroom, checkup, cheek, cheep, cheer


- transitive verb
- comprobar

EN He said, "We won't agree about motives, but I think you check your facts pretty well".
GL No tocante ás causas, non estamos de acordo --comentou--, pero creo que vostede comproba os feitos con seriedade.
- Fonte: TER (1531)
- refrear

EN Stephen, checked by the crowd at the door, halted irresolutely.
GL Stephen, refreado polo barullo que había diante da porta, parou diante dela irresoluto.
- Fonte: RET (3780)
- controlar

EN The news that Daisy Miller was surrounded by half a dozen wonderful moustaches checked Winterbourne's impulse to go straightway to see her.
GL As noticias de que Daisy Miller estaba rodeada de media ducia de bigotes espléndidos fixeron que Winterbourne controlase o impulso que sentiu de ir vela inmediatamente.
- Fonte: DAI (720)
- frear

EN Yet she had been brought out at some hazard into the presence of so many of the things that were, consciously, vainly, half their past, and there was scant service left in the gentleness of her mere desire, all too visible, to check his obsession and wind up his long trouble.
GL Non obstante, ela estivera exposta, con certo risco, a moitas das cousas que supuñan, consciente e inutilmente, a metade do pasado de ambos e de pouco podía servi-la bondade do seu desexo, demasiado obvio, de frea-la obsesión del e concluí-la súa longa preocupación.
- Fonte: BES (663)
- asegurar

EN Before the request is sent to the foreign country, the adopting country is required to check whether the prospective parents are "eligible and suited to adopt" according to the laws and procedures of both countries involved.
GL Antes de transmiti-la solicitude ó estranxeiro, o país de orixe dos pais débese asegurar de que estes son idóneos e están cualificados e preparados para a adopción dun neno consonte os procedementos e a lexislación dese país, pero así mesmo consonte os do país do neno.
- Fonte: C04 (1073)
- verificar

EN "Several young Abouré then went round the farms to check which foreigners were still growing them," says Sawadogo's son Boukari.
GL "Varios mozos abouré percorrian as plantacións para verificar se os estranxeiros continuaban con eses cultivos" lembra Boukari, fillo do xefe da comunidade burkinabé.
- Fonte: C05 (359)
- controlar

EN Outside a high school in downtown Shanghai --gleaming with new buildings and proud of its new sports stadiums, expressways and a metro system, all built by migrants-- a policeman on a motorcycle is checking the papers of a migrant worker who has been selling brightly coloured shoelaces to the students.
GL Fronte a un liceo do centro da cidade, zona na que se advirte o orgullo dos habitantes polos novos edificios, estadios, vías rápidas e o metro, construídos todos con man de obra inmigrante, un policía controla a identidade dunha vendedora ambulante que lles ofrece amallós de zapatos multicores ós alumnos.
- Fonte: C29 (596)
.....--- to check oneself
- deterse

EN Robert started to reassure her, asserting that he had known a lady who had subsisted upon nougat during the entire --but seeing the color mount into Mrs. Pontellier's face he checked himself and changed the subject.
GL Robert comezou a tranquilizala, asegurándolle que coñecera unha dama que subsistira a base de barriñas de turrón de améndoas durante todo o ...; vendo que a señora Pontellier se poñía vermella detívose e cambiou de tema.
- Fonte: ESP (206)

- noun
- control

EN With the appearance of security guards, police checks and metal detectors, the most "difficult" schools have turned into armed camps before the incredulous eyes of the public and burned out teachers.
GL Vixiantes de seguridade, controis policiais ou detectores de metais transformaron os institutos máis problemáticos en verdadeiros terreos minados ante os ollos incrédulos da opinión pública e a impotencia dos profesores.
- Fonte: C10 (848)
- freo

EN Democracy depends on the effectiveness of its journalistic institutions to provide a fourth branch of government to act as a check on the other three, the executive, the legislative and the judicial.
GL A democracia depende da capacidade dos órganos de información de constituir un cuarto poder que sirva de freo ós outros tres: o executivo, o lexislativo e o xudicial.
- Fonte: C19 (494)
- cheery, cheese, chef, chemical, chemically, chemist, chemistry, chemo-taxonomic, chemo-therapy, cheque, chequebook, chequers, cherish, cherished, cherry, cherub, cherubim, chess, chess-board


- check

- noun
- cheque

EN Educators for Peace and Mutual Understanding, a Ukrainian non-governmental organization, won the 1998 prize, comprising a statuette symbolizing peace by the Spanish sculptor Fenosa and a cheque for $25,000.
GL Este ano o premio concedéuselle á ONG Educadores de Ucraína para a Paz e a Comprensión Mutua, á que se lle fixo entrega dunha estatuíña do escultor español Fenosa que simboliza a paz e mais dun cheque de 25.000 dólares
- Fonte: C04 (1098)
.....--- traveller's cheque
- cheque de viaxe

EN Pilot FM, a Vienna-based MP3 label, which has grown out of the crossover between independent Internet Service Providers and electronic sound artists, states on its website: "Though we won't charge you for the downloads, we are thankful for donations of any kind such as hardware, software, traveller's cheques, canned tomato soup, instant coffee or any other device, which you think makes life more pleasurable".
GL Pilot FM, unha marca MP3 establecida en Viena e nacida da fusión entre provedores de servicios de Internet independentes e artistas da música electrónica, anuncia no seu sitio web: "Como non cobramos por telecargar, agradeceremos calquera tipo de doazón -material informático, programas, cheques de viaxe, sopa en lata, café instantáneo e calquera cousa que faga a vida máis pracenteira".
- Fonte: C15 (1195)