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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- bicycle, bid, bidder, bidding, bide, biennale, biennial, big, bighorn, bigotry, bigun, bike, biker, bilateral, bilingual, bilingualism, bilious, bill, billiards


- noun
- intolerancia

EN You may sense bigotry, or bias or misplaced self-righteousness.
GL Quizais sintan a intolerancia, o prexuízo ou a boa conciencia inxustificada.
- Fonte: C28 (834)
- fanatismo

EN Throughout much of Europe, football grounds have become hosts to deplorable displays of supporters' bigotry, providing outlets through sporting rivalry to attitudes that are either dormant or concealed in society at large.
GL En case toda Europa, os campos de fútbol convertéronse en escenario de expresións deplorables do fanatismo dos seareiros, que dan saída a través das rivalidades deportivas a actitudes latentes en toda a sociedade.
- Fonte: C27 (876)
- desprezo

EN Alongside special UNESCO university chairs and programmes of anti-racist education, many publications, campaigns and projects have been employed in the fight against prejudice and cultural bigotry.
GL Ademais das Cátedras UNESCO e os programas tendentes a utiliza-lo ensino como instrumento de loita contra o racismo, os textos, os instrumentos internacionais e as ideas achegadas pola UNESCO contribúen a combate-los prexuízos e o desprezo cultural, que son a base da noción do racismo.
- Fonte: C05 (160)