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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- colonisation, colonise, coloniser, colonist, colonnade, colony, colossal, Colosseum, colossus, colour, coloured, colourful, colouring, colourless, colt, Columbus, column, columnist, Comanche


- color

- noun
- cor

EN Towards noon, as the floods of light fell more nearly to the perpendicular, the stark colours of the morning were smoothed in pearl and opalescence; and the heat --as though the impending sun's height gave it momentum-- became a blow that they ducked, running to the shade and lying there, perhaps even sleeping.
GL Contra as doce, cando a mareira de luz se achegaba case á perpendicular, as duras cores da mañá suavizábanse en tons perlas e opalescentes; a calor, coma se a ameazadora altura do sol lle dese pulo, convertíase nunha labarada que os rapaces evitaban agochándose á sombra para quedar alí estomballados os ou mesmo adormecer.
- Fonte: SEN (1586)
- tonalidade

EN They all had beards, of various shapes and colors.
GL Todos tiñan barba, de formas e tonalidades diferentes.
- Fonte: RIP (87)
- color

EN The mixture of colours and peoples along with the joys of living in tropical latitudes soon gave rise to the myth that Brazil is a "racial democracy".
GL Coa alegría típica dos trópicos, esta mestura de xentes e colores traduciuse no tan publicitado estereotipo da "democracia racial".
- Fonte: C05 (172)

- transitive verb
- colorear

EN The peasants appear full of charm to the stranger as they pass with a "God give us a good day," "The Lord give us a good and holy night," in their slow, rhythmic speech --often a word of but two syllables has a marked rise and fall-- in this idyllic land, where everything seems to tell of tranquillity and peace, the doves resting on the brown roofs coloured by smoke and rain, or along the grey verandas or granite granaries, or sweeping in solemn circles above green maize-field or snow-white dovecote, the angelus' thrice three melodious notes ringing at dawn and midday and dusk, the dreaming maize-fields, the hill-meadows and streams.
GL Os campesiños móstranselle cheos de encanto ó estranxeiro cando pasan dicindo "Deus lle dea un bo día" "o Señor nos dea unha boa e santa noite", coa súa fala lenta e rítmica --a miúdo unha palabra de a penas dúas sílabas ten un marcado ascenso e descenso--, nesta terra idílica, onde todo semella falar de tranquilidade e paz: as pombas pousadas nos tellados pardos coloreados polo fume e a chuvia, ou ó longo das galerías grises ou nos canastros de pedra, ou voando en solemnes círculos sobre os milleirais ou sobre os pombais cubertos de neve; as tres notas melodiosas do Angelus que soan tres veces ó día: ó raia-lo sol, ás doce e ó solpor; os preciosos milleirais, os regatos e os prados de montaña.
- Fonte: GAL (191)
- pintar

EN Its old quarters are extraordinarily picturesque; for instance, the streets leading from the church of Nuestra Señora de la Angustia, with its little square of acacias; the Calle de San Fernando and the narrower long Calle de San Pedro, of low poor houses with outjutting irregular eaves and balconies on corbels of many shapes, of plain granite or whitewashed or coloured, and with tiny shop-windows showing a medley of sardines, loaves, sabots, and dark little crowded taverns.
GL Os barrios vellos son extremadamente pintorescos, por exemplo: as rúas que parten da igrexa de Nosa Señora da Angustia, coa súa pequena praza chea de mimosas; a rúa de San Fernando, a longa e aínda máis estreita Rúa de San Pedro, de casas baixas e pobres, de pedra, encaladas ou pintadas, con beirados irregulares que sobresaen e balcóns apoiados sobre canzorros de moitas feituras, e nesta mesma rúa as tendas, con pequenos escaparates que exhiben unha mestura de sardiñas, pan e zocos, e as tabernas cativeiras e sempre cheas.
- Fonte: GAL (545)
- acorar

EN Daisy was looking at him intently; she began to colour.
GL Daisy mirouno intensamente. Comezou a acorar.
- Fonte: DAI (1303)
- tinguir

EN The state of mind in which he had lived for so many years shone out to him, in reflexion, as a light that coloured and refined, a light beside which the glow of the East was garish cheap and thin.
GL O estado de ánimo en que vivira durante tantos anos resplandecía para el, cando reflexionaba, como unha luz que tinguía e refinaba, unha luz á beira da cal o brillo do Oriente era rechamante, barato e superficial.
- Fonte: BES (804)