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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- community, commute, commuter, Comores, compact, compactly, companion, companionless, companionship, company, comparable, comparative, comparatively, compare, comparison, compartment, compartmentalize, compass, compassion


- noun
- compañía

EN With its own penetrating vision the spirit seeks some one mortal worthy to hold him company, worthy of being exalted for a few hours into realms of the semi-celestials.
GL Coa súa penetrante vista, busca un mortal que sexa digno de facerlle compañía, digno de ser elevado durante unhas horas ó reino do semicelestial.
- Fonte: ESP (741)
- empresa

EN While it would be whimsical to perceive how some great men in parish affairs would strut under the consciousness that their hands had once held a sceptre, an honest artizan or pilfering domestic would find that he would find that he was little altered by being transformed into an idle noble or director of a joint stock company.
GL Se ben sería curioso ver como fachendeaban algúns grandes clérigos ao decatárense de que noutro tempo as súas mans sostiñan un cetro, un honrado artesán ou un criado ladroeiro considerarían que pouco cambiou a súa condición ao verse transformados nun nobre lacazán ou no director dunha empresa.
- Fonte: DOD (99)
- presente

EN To make a long story short, the company broke up, and returned to the more important concerns of the election.
GL Para non eternizarse coa historia, os alí presentes interrompérono, e proseguiron cos asuntos das eleccións, que eran máis importantes.
- Fonte: RIP (218)