EN The uses of such a treatise, however, are not those which I contemplate; for either ift would presume and refer to a plan of study already settled; and in that light, it is a mere complement of the plan I propose to execute: or else it would attempt to involve a plan of study in the course of reading suggested; and that would be neither more nor less than to do in concreto, what it is far more convenient as well as more philosophical to do (as I am now going to do) directly and in abstracto.
GL Os usos dun tal tratado, non son, sen embargo, os que contemplo; porque ou ben presuporía e referiríase a un plano de estudio xa definido --e baixo esa luz é un simple complemento do plano que me propoño executar- ou ben intentaría implicar un plano de estudio nas lecturas suxeridas; e iso sería nin máis nin menos que facer in concreto o que é moito máis conveniente así como filosófico (como eu vou facer agora) facer directamente e in abstracto.
Fonte: LET (134)
transitive verb
EN The recruitment procedure is straightforward and the accent thereafter is put on building skills and keeping motivation high: after being hired, teachers go on to take a two-week BRAC training course that is complemented by refresher training one day a month.
GL O procedemento de contratación é expedito e faise o preciso para capacitalos e infundirlles unha forte motivación: despois de seren nomeados, os mestres seguen un curso de dúas semanas de duración no BRAC, complementado cun cursiño de perfeccionamento dun día por mes.
Fonte: C02 (233)
EN The major networks are busy setting up websites which complement their television programmes without competing with them.
GL Embárcanse na creación de sitios que completan os seus programas de televisión sen ameazalos.
Fonte: C32 (1290)