EN It lay very high upon a turfy down, and looking north-eastward before I entered it, I was surprised to see a large estuary, or even creek, where I judged Wandsworth and Battersea must once have been.
GL Descansaba a grande altura nun claro de herba. E, ó mirar ó nordeste antes de entrar, sorprendeume ver un grande estuario, ou incluso un arroio, onde me parecía que algunha vez deberon estar Wandsworth e Battersea.
Fonte: TEM (1390)
EN But to prevent them from getting behind him, he was forced back, down past the pool and into the creek bed, till he brought up against a high gravel bank.
GL Para evitar que o atacasen por detrás, recuou para o leito seco dun regato e defendeuse desde o alto dunha cemba na beira da lagoa.
Fonte: CHA (1658)
..... to be up the creek
verse nunha boa
EN The thing is, though, I'll be up the creek if I don't get it in.
GL Pero a cousa é que me vou ver nunha boa se non a fago.
Fonte: VIX (897)