intransitive verb
facer reverencias
EN A little troop of Neapolitan peasants were practising their steps at the end of the chapel, some circling their arms above their heads, some swaying their baskets of paper violets and curtsying.
GL Unha tropiña de campesinos napolitanos practicaban pasos no extremo da capela, uns poñendo os brazos en circo por riba da cabeza, outros arrandeando unhas cestas de violetas artificiais e facendo reverencias.
Fonte: RET (1576)
EN One by one the books were collected by their owners; little half-sentences of delight and compliment were dropped like curtsies --was this what it was to be a writer?
GL Un por un, os propietarios recolleron os libros; deixaban caer, como reverencias, comentarios de pracer, de cortesía... ¿E iso era ser escritor?
Fonte: TER (1387)