EN Augustus Carmichael had risen and, holding his table napkin so that it looked like a long white robe he stood chanting: To see the Kings go riding by Over lawn and daisy lea With their palm leaves and cedar sheaves Luriana, Lurilee, and as she passed him he turned slightly towards her repeating the last words: Luriana, Lurilee, and bowed to her as if he did her homage.
GL Augustus Carmichael estaba de pé e sostiña o pano de mesa coma se fose un longo manto branco mentres seguía cantando: Para ver cabalga-los reis por aquí polo céspede e os prados de margaridas coas súas palmas e pólas de cedro, Luriana, Lurilee, e, ó pasar ela á súa beira, el virou un pouco cara a ela repetindo as derradeiras palabras: Luriana, Lurilee e fíxolle unha reverencia coma de homenaxe.
Fonte: CAR (1735)