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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- DAT, data, database, date, dated, daughter, daunt, daunting, dawdle, dawn, day, daybreak, day-care, day-dawn, daydream, daydreaming, daylight, daytime, day-to-day


- noun
- alba

EN The distant roosters began to crow and the air changed and the dawn was coming.
GL Ó lonxe os galos comenzaban a cantar. O aire cambiou e a alba chegaba.
- Fonte: PER (667)
- amencer

EN For now had come that moment, that hesitation when dawn trembles and night pauses, when if a feather alight in the scale it will be weighed down.
GL Pois agora chegara aquel momento de dúbida no que treme o amencer e a noite se detén, no que se caese unha pluma nunha balanza esta se había inclinar.
- Fonte: CAR (2126)
- alborecer

EN It was hours later, in the very middle of the night, that one of God's mysterious messengers, gliding ahead of the incalculable host of his companions sweeping westward with the dawn line, pronounced the awakening word in the ear of the sleeper, who sat upright and spoke, he knew not why, a name, he knew not whose.
GL Foi horas despois, xa sendo noite pecha, cando un dos misteriosos mensaxeiros de Deus, planando á fronte da súa incalculable hoste de compañeiros, a cal se desprazaba maxestosa cara ao oeste coa luz do alborecer, pronunciou a palabra do espertar no oído do dormente, quen se incorporou e pronunciou un nome, non sabía por qué, non sabía de quen.
- Fonte: HAL (18)
- alborada

EN Rose, little rose, O crimsom rose, That rises at dawn And in tears to bed goes.
GL Rosiña, rosiña, rosa, rosiña, rosa encarnada. tarde te deitas chorosa érgueste sempre á alborada.
- Fonte: GAL (1360)