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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- gipsy, giraffe, gird, girder, girdle, girl, girlhood, girlish, girth, give, glacier, glad, gladden, gladiator, glamour, glance, glare, glaring, glasnost


- transitive verb
- PAST: gave. PART: given
- dar

EN In my opinion, and this is only an opinion, Ratchett was killed at some time very close upon two o'clock, the latest hour the doctor gives us as possible.
GL Na miña opinión, e isto non é máis ca unha opinión, Ratchett foi asasinado nalgún momento moi preto das dúas en punto, a hora que o doutor nos como límite máximo.
- Fonte: ASA (5948)
- regalar

EN Well, my name is Ernest in town and Jack in the country, and the cigarette case was given to me in the country.
GL Ben, o meu nome é Ernest na cidade e Jack no campo, e a cigarreira regaláronma no campo.
- Fonte: ERN (186)
- deixar

EN I'll give you my room; it's the only place.
GL Deixareille o meu cuarto; é o único sitio.
- Fonte: ESP (3250)
- pagar

EN The largest picture in his drawing-room, which painters had praised, and valued at a higher price than he had given for it, was of the cherry trees in blossom on the banks of the Kennet.
GL O meirande cadro do seu salón, que louvaran os pintores e valoraran nun prezo máis alto do que pagara por el, representaba unhas cerdeiras en flor na ribeira do Kennet.
- Fonte: CAR (685)
.....--- to give away
- revelar

EN You will not give away a lady's secret?
GL Non quere vostede revela-lo segredo dunha dama?
- Fonte: ASA (5461)
.....--- to give back
- devolver

EN If a man had stolen a pound in his youth and had used that pound to amass a huge fortune how much was he obliged to give back, the pound he had stolen only or the pound together with the compound interest accruing upon it or all his huge fortune?
GL Se un home roubara unha libra na súa mocidade utilizándoa para amasar unha gran fortuna, ¿canto estaba obrigado a devolver, a libra que roubara, soamente, ou a libra cos xuros compostos, ou ben toda a súa gran fortuna?
- Fonte: ASA (5461)
.....--- to give up
- deixar de

EN My dear fellow, the sooner you give up that nonsense the better.
GL Estimado amigo, canto máis axiña deixes de pensar nesa parvada, mellor.
- Fonte: ERN (1604)
- renunciar a

EN I would give up the unessential; I would give my money, I would give my life for my children; but I wouldn't give myself.
GL Renunciaría ó accesorio. Daría os cartos, daría a vida polos meus fillos, pero non me daría a min mesma.
- Fonte: ESP (1299)
- abandonar

EN She understood now clearly what she had meant long ago when she said to Adele Ratignolle that she would give up the unessential, but she would never sacrifice herself for her children.
GL Agora comprendía claramente o que quixera dicir cando, había tempo, lle comunicara a Adèle Ratignolle que sería quen de abandona-lo que non fose esencial, pero que nunca se había sacrificar polos nenos.
- Fonte: ESP (3283)
.....--- to give a damn
- importar un carallo

EN That hat I bought had ear-laps in it, and I put them on --I didn't give a damn how I looked.
GL Aquela pucha que comprara tiña orelleiras e púxenas --importábame un carallo a pinta que podía levar--.
- Fonte: VIX (1747)

- intransitive verb
.....--- to give way
- ceder

EN She'll give way, James thought, as he watched a look come upon her face, a look he remembered.
GL Vai ceder, pensou James cando veu que lle mudaba a expresión da cara, unha expresión que el lembraba.
- Fonte: CAR (2643)
.....--- to give in
- ceder

EN Finally Sally said: "Somebody's got to give in".
GL Ó final, dixo Sally: Alguén ten que ceder.
- Fonte: LEG (410)
- darse por vencido

EN I must have passed that shop back and forth six times during that manful struggle. At last I gave in--I had to.
GL Durante o tempo que durou aquela valente loita debín pasar alomenos seis veces dun lado para outro por diante da tenda. Ó final deime por vencido, tiven que facelo.
- Fonte: BIL (134)