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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- inventor, inventory, inversion, invert, invertebrate, invest, investigate, investigation, investigative, investigator, investiture, investment, investor, inveterate, inveterately, invidious, invigorate, invigorating, invincible


- noun
- detective

EN It goes without saying that the finance and credit industry, private investigators, newspapers, marketing companies and police all make extensive use of the product.
GL Non hai ningunha dúbida de que as institucións de financiamento e de crédito, os detectives privados, os periódicos, as empresas de mercadotecnia e maila policía utilizan en gran abundancia este producto.
- Fonte: C07 (100)
- investigador

EN The investigators showed particular interest in a programme to monitor parliamentary elections scheduled that fall.
GL Os investigadores mostraron particular interese nun programa que o Centro debía realizar no outono e que consistía en vixia-lo desenvolvemento das eleccións parlamentarias.
- Fonte: C25 (490)
- inspector

EN Look, I have here the documents drawn up by human rights investigators from the Council of Europe in Strasbourg who monitor conditions of detention in European countries.
GL Mire, aquí teño os documentos elaborados polos inspectores do Consello de Europa para os Dereitos Humanos de Estrasburgo, que son os encargados de verifica-las condicións de detención nos países europeos.
- Fonte: C32 (1355)