EN I could not carry both, however, and my bar of iron promised best against the bronze gates.
GL Non podía leva-las dúas, e a miña barra de ferro parecía mellor para abri-las portas de bronce.
Fonte: TEM (1493)
EN Men felt these muscles and proclaimed them hard as iron, and the odds went down to two to one.
GL Algúns dos presentes apalpáronlle os músculos e atopáronos duros como de aceiro, co que as apostas baixaron a dous contra un.
Fonte: CHA (1355)
de ferro
EN On the uttermost of the steps which led down into the dread chamber was a large fragment of the coffin, with which, it seemed, that she had endeavored to arrest attention by striking the iron door.
GL Nos chanzos superiores da escaleira que levaba á espantosa cripta había un fragmento grande do cadaleito, co cal a muller, polo visto, tentara chama-la atención golpeando a porta de ferro.
Fonte: BUR (42)
EN But the iron will of Restrepo and Delieuvin is rooted in a dream, one that often overrides the reality that shaped it.
GL Pero a vontade férrea de Restrepo e Delieuvin está fundada nun soño, e estes con frecuencia superan a realidade na que se forxan.
Fonte: C08 (626)