con ironía
EN She smiled ironically; for had she not thought, when she began, that she had solved her problem?
GL Sorriu con ironía: ¿seica non pensara ó comezar que tiña resolto ese problema?
Fonte: CAR (3080)
EN His fame lasts perhaps two thousand years? (asked Mr Ramsay ironically, staring at the hedge).
GL A súa sona se cadra ha durar dous mil anos (preguntábase ironicamente o señor Ramsay fitando para a sebe).
Fonte: CAR (432)
EN Ironically, as Iranian cinema grabs the international limelight, it is losing the official acceptance it won after the revolution of 1979.
GL Paradoxalmente, no cine iraniano, que alcanzou a súa maioría de idade trala revolución de 1979, escapa hoxe ó control desta.
Fonte: C03 (8)