EN The boats --mostly motor launches, for the old-fashioned sailing-boats (xeitos) and rowing-boats (traiñas) tend to disappear-- come in at evening, and the salting and packing of fish goes on far into the night, the pounding of long blocks of ice with heavy wooden rammers (pisones) forming a continual bass to the shrill clamour of the women's voices.
GL Os botes --a meirande parte lanchas a motor, xa que os anticuados pesqueiros (xeitos) e as barcas de remos (traíñas) tenden a desaparecer-- chegan á noitiña para continuar co salgado e empaquetado do peixe ata ben avanzada a noite. Daquela, o machucado dos grandes bloques de xelo con pesados mazos (pisón) forma un baixo continuo para o agudo chiar das voces das mulleres.
Fonte: GAL (925)
transitive verb
EN Ralph launched himself like a cat; stabbed, snarling, with the spear, and the savage doubled up.
GL Ralph botouse a el coma un gato; espetoulle a pica, gruñiu e o salvaxe dobrouse coa dor.
Fonte: SEN (6015)
EN At last they had shoved her off, they had launched the lifeboat, and they had got her out past the point.
GL Ó final conseguiran desatracar, lanzáranlle un bote salvavidas e sacárano daquela punta.
Fonte: CAR (2562)