EN In fact, Colonel Arbuthnot, you prefer law and order to private vengeance?
GL Entón, coronel Arbuthnot, vostede prefire sempre a lei e a orde antes que a vinganza persoal, ¿non si?
Fonte: ASA (3033)
EN Had kept school and studied law at the same time, had been admitted to the bar, turned politician, electioneered, written for the newspapers, and finally had been made a justice of the Ten Pound Court.
GL Que traballara de mestre e estudiara Dereito ó mesmo tempo; que se licenciara e que despois exercera a política, participara nunha campaña electoral, escribira para algúns xornais e, finalmente, fora elixido xuíz dun modesto tribunal administrativo.
Fonte: LEN (328)