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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- meander, meaning, meaningful, meaningless, meanness, means, meantime, meanwhile, measless, measure, measured, measureless, measurement, meat, Mecca, mechanic, mechanical, mechanically, mechanics


- noun
- medida

EN Villa-Amil quotes a title of the year 1299 in which the foro consists of a sucking-pig, a measure of wine and a dozen eggs at Michaelmas, a kid, more wine and a dozen eggs at Christmas and Easter.
GL Villa-Amil cita un título do ano 1299 en que o foro consiste nun bacuriño, unha medida de viño e unha ducia de ovos pagadeiros pola festa do San Miguel, un cabrito, máis viño e unha ducia de ovos polo Nadal e en Semana Santa.
- Fonte: GAL (302)

- transitive verb
- medir

EN I could see him measuring the distance between us and deciding that he couldn't reach me from where he sat.
GL Vinlle medir a distancia entre nós e decidir que non podería alcanzarme desde o seu sitio.
- Fonte: TER (268)
- avaliar

EN Our point is accordingly that he valued this character quite sufficiently to measure his present danger of letting it lapse, against which he promised himself to be much on his guard.
GL O que queremos dicir é, por conseguinte, que valoraba este trazo o suficiente para avalia-lo perigo que agora corría de perdelo, contra o que se prometeu a si mesmo permanecer vixiante.
- Fonte: BES (236)