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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- Mediterranean, medium, medium-level, medium-sized, medium-term, medley, meek, meekly, meekness, meet, meeting, megabase, megabyte, mega-city, megaphone, megawatt, melancholy, melange, mellow


- transitive verb
- PAST: met; PART: met
- atoparse con

EN Finally, old Sally started coming up the stairs, and I started down to meet her.
GL Sally apareceu por fin, subindo polas escaleiras, e eu baixei para atoparme con ela.
- Fonte: VIX (4004)
- coñecer

EN Then he said, 'I had the privilege of meeting your mother and dad when they had their little chat with Dr Thurmer some weeks ago'.
GL Logo dixo: -Tiven o privilexio de coñecer á túa nai e ó teu pai cando tiveron a súa pequena charla co Dr. Thurmer hai unhas semanas.
- Fonte: VIX (260)
- encontrarse con

EN She looked up over her knitting and met the third stroke and it seemed to her like her own eyes meeting her own eyes, searching as she alone could search into her mind and her heart, purifying out of existence that lie, any lie.
GL Mirou por riba do seu labor de punto e atopouse coa terceira raiola, parecéndolle que os seus ollos se encontraban cos seus propios ollos, pescudando, como só ela podía facer, no interior da súa mente e do seu corazón, purificándoos completamente daquela mentira, de calquera mentira.
- Fonte: CAR (858)
- reunirse con

EN The following morning Mr. Pontellier, upon leaving for his office, asked Edna if she would not meet him in town in order to look at some new fixtures for the library.
GL Á mañá seguinte, a piques de marchar para a oficina, o señor Pontellier preguntoulle a Edna se quería reunirse con el na cidade e miraren algúns accesorios novos para a biblioteca.
- Fonte: ESP (1465)
- quedar con

EN After I had my breakfast, it was only around noon, and I wasn't meeting old Sally till two o'clock so I started taking this long walk.
GL Cando rematei o almorzo aínda era mediodía, e non quedara coa Sally ata as dúas, así que dei un paseo.
- Fonte: VIX (3739)
- enfrontarse a

EN Only those animals partake of intelligence that have to meet a huge variety of needs and dangers.
GL Só aqueles animais que teñen que enfrontarse a unha inmensa variedade de necesidades e perigos son os que empregan a intelixencia.
- Fonte: TEM (1707)

- intransitive verb
- atoparse

EN They would meet quietly as if they had known each other and had made their tryst, perhaps at one of the gates or in some more secret place.
GL Atoparíanse tranquilamente como se xa se tivesen coñecido, concertando a cita, quizais, nunha daquelas portas ou noutro sitio máis secreto.
- Fonte: RET (1404)
- encontrarse

EN Above them tower the bleak heights of El Coto de Novelle, and some way further down is a little silver bay where the two rivers meet.
GL Sobre delas empoléirase o Coto Novelle, e un pouco máis abaixo hai un loureiro prateado onde se encontran os dous ríos.
- Fonte: GAL (1203)

- noun
- encontro

EN We'd gone in to New York that morning for this fencing meet with McBurney School.
GL Foramos a Nova York aquela mañá para o encontro de esgrima coa Escola McBurney.
- Fonte: VIX (59)