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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- medium, medium-level, medium-sized, medium-term, medley, meek, meekly, meekness, meet, meeting, megabase, megabyte, mega-city, megaphone, megawatt, melancholy, melange, mellow, melodious


- noun
- xuntanza

EN The daughter was just leaving the house to attend the meeting of a branch Folk Lore Society, and regretted that she could not accompany them.
GL A súa filla saía naquel momento para asistir a unha xuntanza do grupo da Folk Lore Society, e lamentaba non podelos acompañar.
- Fonte: ESP (2094)
- encontro

EN A hundred times Edna had pictured Robert's return, and imagined their first meeting.
GL Edna imaxinara a volta de Robert, e figurarase o seu primeiro encontro unha chea de veces.
- Fonte: ESP (2743)
- mitin

EN We were down there at a meeting and after the meeting was over we had to make our way to the railway station through the crowd.
GL Foramos alá a un mitin e despois de que o mitin rematase tivemos que abrirnos paso entre o xentío para chegarmos á estación de ferrocarril.
- Fonte: RET (783)
- reunión

EN He sat very upright, threw out his chest, caressed his moustache and spoke in the manner of a practised speaker addressing a public meeting.
GL Incorporouse no seu asento, ben erguido, sacou peito, acariñou o bigote e falou como o faría un experimentado conferenciante ante o público dunha reunión.
- Fonte: ASA (4948)