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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- melodiously, melodrama, melodramatic, melody, melon, melt, meltdown, melting, member, membership, membrane, memento, memoir, memorable, memorandum, memorial, memorization, memorize, memory


- noun
- admisión

EN Last September's poll, in which nearly 80 per cent of MCC's 17,500 members (average age 57) took part, was the club's third vote on women's membership.
GL Na votación de setembro participou preto do 80% dos 17.500 membros do MCC, cunha media de idade de 57 anos. Era a terceira vez que se debatía a cuestión da admisión das mulleres.
- Fonte: C14 (143)
- pertenza

EN It could lead, he speculates, to a link being made between genes governing certain character traits, such as aggression, and membership of an ethnic group, which would encourage discrimination.
GL Ó seu xuízo, esta podería permitir establecer un vínculo entre os xenes que inflúen en certos trazos da personalidade --como a agresividade-- e unha determinada pertenza étnica, alentando así a discriminación.
- Fonte: C18 (559)
- integración

EN The repressive nature of the Communist regime was emphasized, along with East Germany's membership of the Soviet bloc.
GL Estes libros insistían no carácter represivo do réxime comunista e na integración da RDA na esfera soviética.
- Fonte: C25 (841)
- ingreso

EN Polish farmers' organizations say that their country's membership in the European Union will spell the end of two-thirds of the country's farms, "in the best of cases".
GL Os sindicatos agrícolas polacos estiman que o ingreso do seu país na Unión Europea condenará "no mellor dos casos" a dous tercios dos dous millón de explotación de Polonia.
- Fonte: C30 (145)