EN And with a painful effort of concentration, she focused her mind, not upon the silver-bossed bark of the tree, or upon its fish-shaped leaves, but upon a phantom kitchen table, one of those scrubbed board tables, grained and knotted, whose virtue seems to have been laid bare by years of muscular integrity, which stuck there, its four legs in air.
GL E cun arduo esforzo de concentración enfocou a súa mente non sobre as protuberancias prateadas da cortiza da árbore, nin sobre as follas pisciformes, senón sobre a mesa de cociña fantasma, unha desas mesas fregadas, ásperas e nodosas, que semellan revela-las súas virtudes tras anos de esforzo muscular, alí chantada coas catro patas no aire.
Fonte: CAR (244)
EN The laugh, pitched in a high key and coming from a so muscular frame, seemed like the whinny of an elephant.
GL O riso, agudo de ton e procedente dunha textura musculosa, semellaba algo ao berro dun elefante.
Fonte: RET (3938)