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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- need, needful, needle, needless, needlessly, needlework, needy, negation, negative, neglect, neglected, neglectful, negligence, negligent, negligible, negotiable, negotiate, negotiation, negotiator


- transitive verb
- descoidar

EN They lingered together still, she neglecting her office --for from the moment he was so clever she had no proper right to him--and both neglecting the house, just waiting as to see if a memory or two more wouldn't again breathe on them.
GL Con todo, ficaron xuntos, ela descoidando a súa obriga --pois, dende o momento que el sabía tanto, xa non tiña propiamente motivo para estar con el-- e ámbolos dous descoidando a casa, só agardando sentir de novo sobre eles o bafo dunha lembranza ou dúas máis.
- Fonte: BES (36)

- noun
- desinterese

EN She remembered how William Bankes had been shocked by her neglect of the significance of mother and son.
GL Lembrou como sorprendera a William Bankes co seu desinterese pola relevancia de nai e fillo.
- Fonte: CAR (2785)
- descoido

EN He reproached his wife with her inattention, her habitual neglect of the children.
GL Reprochoulle a falta de atención e o descoido habitual polos nenos.
- Fonte: ESP (125)
- desleixo

EN "By the way," he added, "it is neither white nor a church; it is an abandoned schoolhouse, gray with age and neglect".
GL Por certo --engadiu--, nin é branca nin é unha igrexa: é unha escola abandonada, gris polo paso dos anos e polo desleixo.
- Fonte: HAL (138)
- desamparo

EN Günther says the impression of neglect and alienation people used to feel when they walked through the city centre is a thing of the past, but he fears the changes might not stick.
GL Günther recoñece que a sensación de desamparo e marxinalidade que se tiña percorrendo as rúas do centro é parte do pasado, pero teme que estes cambios non sexan irreversibles.
- Fonte: C15 (1905)
- neglixencia

EN My story exposes issues of corruption and neglect in the health care system through a woman who runs into complications during her pregnancy.
GL O meu relato aborda o tema da corrupción e a neglixencia no sistema de atención médica a través do caso dunha muller que sofre complicacións durante o seu embarazo.
- Fonte: C09 (212)
- abandono

EN The 400,000 demonstrators may have been exaggerating a little when they shouted that the waters of "our Ebro" would be used to keep golf courses green, fill swimming pools for tourists and supply amusement parks while others die of thirst and neglect.
GL Nunha simplificación un tanto demagóxica, os 400.000 manifestantes berraron que a auga do Ebro, do seu Ebro, servirá para regar campos de golf, encher piscinas dos turistas e alimenta-los parques temáticos, mentres eles morren de sede e abandono.
- Fonte: C22 (666)