EN It at last settled down precisely to the tale I have related, and not a man, woman, or child in the neighborhood, but knew it by heart.
GL Finalmente acabou sendo máis coherente co relato que acabo de contar, e non había home, muller ou neno en toda a aldea que non o soubese de memoria.
Fonte: RIP (230)
EN The road passes on to Boiro, where the baskets of gleaming fresh fish tell of the neighbourhood of the sea, Puente Goyanes and Puebla del Caramiñal, where the novelist Don Ramón del Valle Inclán has his paço.
GL A estrada segue cara a Boiro, onde as cestas de peixe fresco e relucente xa nos falan da veciñanza do mar, que aparece en Ponte Goiáns e na Pobra do Caramiñal, lugar onde o novelista don Ramón del Valle-Inclán ten un pazo.
Fonte: GAL (704)
EN This neighborhood, at the time of which I am speaking, was one of those highly-favored places which abound with chronicle and great men.
GL Na época da que estou a falar, esta rexión era un deses lugares privilexiados nos que abundan as crónicas de homes importantes.
Fonte: LEN (203)
EN He was surprised to see any human being in this lonely and unfrequented place, but supposing it to be some one of the neighborhood in need of his assistance, he hastened down to yield it.
GL Asombrouno atopar unha persoa nun lugar tan solitario e deshabitado pero, pensando que se trataría dalgún veciño dos arredores que precisaba axuda, apresurouse a botarlle unha man.
Fonte: RIP (73)
EN In the centre of the road stood an enormous tulip-tree, which towered like a giant above all the other trees of the neighborhood, and formed a kind of landmark.
GL No medio do camiño había un enorme tulipán, que se erguía coma un xigante por riba de tódalas demais árbores da zona, formando unha especie de punto destacado.
Fonte: LEN (254)
EN Children who took part in one journalism workshop, for example, were worried about the disappearance of trees near their school, so they carried out a "tree census" in the neighbourhood.
GL Así por exemplo, preocupados pola desaparición das árbores que rodeaban a escola, os nenos e nenas dun obradoiro de xornalismo realizaron un estudio forestal do barrio.
Fonte: C02 (933)