adjective or pronoun
EN Neither of the other two men was hungry, and the meal was soon eaten, but not till they were sipping their coffee did M. Bouc mention the subject that was occupying all their minds.
GL Ningún dos outros dous cabaleiros tiña demasiada fame, polo que remataron o xantar de contado, mais, ata que tomaron o café, Monsieur Bouc non mencionou o tema que ocupaba as súas cabezas.
Fonte: ASA (1632)
EN He seated himself again and rolled a cigarette, which he smoked in silence. Neither did Mrs. Pontellier speak.
GL Robert sentou outra vez e envolveu un un cigarro. Fumouno en silencio. Tampouco ela falou.
Fonte: ESP (786)
..... neither... nor...
non... nin...
EN For two days and nights this express car was dragged along at the tail of shrieking locomotives; and for two days and nights Buck neither ate nor drank.
GL Durante dous días coas súas noites trepidantes locomotoras arrastraron os vagóns; durante dous días coas súas noites Buck non comeu nin bebeu.
Fonte: CHA (89)
nin... nin...
EN The lash bit into him again and again, but he neither whined nor struggled.
GL Os vergallazos xostregaban nel con saña, pero nin se queixou nin se moveu.
Fonte: CHA (1115)