EN Something boomed up on the red rock, then the earth jumped and began to shake steadily, while the noise as steadily increased.
GL Resoou algo no alto dos penedos vermellos, logo a terra comezou a saltar e a tremer fortemente, ó tempo que ía medrando un ruído tamén moi forte.
Fonte: SEN (5976)
EN The parrot and the mockingbird were the property of Madame Lebrun, and they had the right to make all the noise they wished.
GL O papagaio e o paxaro burlón pertencían a Madame Lebrun e tiñan o dereito de facer tanto barullo como lles petase.
Fonte: ESP (10)
EN This time they were not so seriously alarmed, and they made a queer laughing noise as they came back at me.
GL Esta vez non se alarmaron tanto, e responderon cun estraño son de risos a medida que se me achegaban de novo.
Fonte: TEM (1211)
EN And he could hear the crashing of their bodies through the undergrowth, and the noises they made in the night.
GL E podía senti-la terra renxer ó paso dos seus corpos e os sonidos que emitían na noite.
Fonte: CHA (766)