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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- notation, notch, note, notebook, noteless, notepad, noteworthy, nothing, nothingness, notice, noticeable, notify, notion, notoriety, notorious, notwithstanding, nougat, noun, nourish


- intransitive verb
- decatarse

EN Why could he never conceal his feelings? Mrs Ramsay wondered, and she wondered if Augustus Carmichael had noticed.
GL ¿Por que non podía agochar nunca os seus pensamentos?, preguntábase a señora Ramsay, e tamén se preguntaba se Augustus Carmichael se decatara.
- Fonte: CAR (1490)

- transitive verb
- decatarse de

EN He noticed blood on his hands and grimaced distastefully, looked for something on which to clean them, then wiped them on his shorts and laughed.
GL Decatouse de que levaba sangue nas mans e fixo unhas caretas de noxo; procurou algo a onde se limpar e, ó cabo, refregounas no pantalón e riu.
- Fonte: SEN (1883)
- notar

EN The reader will notice many differences between the story and the film, and he should not imagine these changes were forced on an unwilling author: as likely as not they were suggested by the author.
GL O lector notará numerosas diferencias entre o relato e a película, pero non debe supor que eses cambios lle foron impostos a un escritor disconforme: en moitas ocasións foron indicados por el mesmo.
- Fonte: TER (19)
- darse de conta

EN They gave me the wrong book, and I didn't notice it till I got back to my room.
GL Déranme o que non era, e non me dei de conta ata que cheguei ó meu cuarto.
- Fonte: VIX (539)
- fixarse en

EN The older boys first noticed the child when he resisted.
GL Os rapaces máis vellos fixáronse por primeira vez nel cando se resistiu.
- Fonte: SEN (866)

- noun
- aviso

EN They passed back through the garden and out through the hall where the doddering porter was pinning up a hall notice in the frame.
GL Volveron a pasar polo xardín e saíron polo vestíbulo no que un porteiro decrépito andaba a poñer un aviso no taboleiro dos anuncios.
- Fonte: RET (4028)
- nota

EN They discussed it every which way, more or less hopefully, but they had to finish where they began, and concede that the only really sane explanation of the absence of the notice must be --and without doubt was-- that Tilbury was not dead.
GL Estudiaron tódalas posibilidades con certo optimismo, pero tiveron que deixalo onde empezaran e recoñecer que a única explicación realmente sensata da ausencia da nota debía ser, e sen dúbida era, que Tilbury non estaba morto.
- Fonte: LEG (208)
- letreiro

EN On the door was the usual notice saying the bar opened from six till ten, but one just pushed the door and walked through the front rooms.
GL Na porta estaba o letreiro oficial que advertía a apertura do bar, só de seis a dez, mais un limitábase a empurrar a porta e pasar ao salón principal.
- Fonte: TER (189)
.....--- to take (no) notice
- (non) facer caso

EN 'Unless,' said M. Bouc, 'it was something in the compartment next door that you heard.' Poirot took no notice of the suggestion.
GL A non ser --interveu Monsieur Bouc--, que o que oíu vostede proviñese do compartimento do lado. Poirot non fixo caso da suxestión.
- Fonte: ASA (1828)