EN Hours he would spend thus, with his pipe, of an evening, thinking up and down and in and out of the old familiar lanes and commons, which were all stuck about with the history of that campaign there, the life of this statesman here, with poems and with anecdotes, with figures too, this thinker, that soldier; all very brisk and clear; but at length the lane, the field, the common, the fruitful nut-tree and the flowering hedge led him on to that further turn of the road where he dismounted always, tied his horse to a tree, and proceeded on foot alone.
GL Así pasaba as horas do serán, coa pipa, a pensar en tódolos recunchos e reviravoltas dos carreiros entrañables e dos parques, que estaban enchoupados da historia daquela campaña acolá, da vida deste gobernante aquí, con poemas e anécdotas, tamén con personaxes, este filósofo, aquel soldado; todo isto con viveza e claridade; pero, ó cabo, o carreiro, o campo, o parque, a nogueira fértil e a sebe vizosa conducíano a aquela volta do camiño de máis alá onde sempre desmontaba, amarraba o cabalo a unha árbore e continuaba a pé só.
Fonte: CAR (541)