EN Rain strikes the bare earth, washing away huge amounts of nutritional substances.
GL A chuvia azouta directamente a terra espida levando consigo enormes cantidades de substancias nutritivas.
Fonte: C21 (309)
EN They have no interest in items that cannot be sold but which may be of inestimable value to historians, such as a pottery shard bearing an inscription that may provide clues about a ship's route, a piece of shoe that can tell much about how the sailors dressed or a skeleton showing wounds or nutritional deficiencies.
GL Non lles interesan os vestixios sen valor que lles apaixonan ós investigadores: unha inscrición no fragmento dunha vasilla pode indicar unha ruta marítima, un anaco de calzado dicirnos moito sobre a vestimenta dos mariños, un esqueleto revelar feridas ou carencias alimentarias.
Fonte: C24 (1169)