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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- oblong, obnoxious, obscene, obscurantism, obscure, obscurity, obsequious, obsequiously, observable, observance, observant, observation, observatory, observe, observer, obsessed, obsession, obsolescence, obsolete


- noun
- observación

EN If we knew the Fire Worshippers better we might find that their centuries of pious observance have been rewarded, and that the fire has given them a little of its nature; and I am certain that the water, the water of the seas and of lakes and of mist and rain, has all but made the Irish after its image.
GL Se coñecesemos mellor aos Adoradores do Lume, tal vez descubrisemos que os seus séculos de piadosa observación foron recompensados, e que o lume lles concedeu un pouco da súa natureza. E estou seguro de que a auga, a auga dos mares e dos lagos, e da néboa e a chuvia, fixo aos irlandeses case que á súa imaxe.
- Fonte: CEL (126)