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Computational Linguistics Group (SLI), 2005-2018
University of Vigo

English-Galician CLUVI Dictionary, 2nd edition (revised version 2.2)

(Based on the CLUVI Corpus of the University of Vigo)

In English
Starting with
In Galician
Exact match
Title page
- obviously, occasion, occasional, occasionally, occidental, Occitan, occult, occupant, occupation, occupational, occupy, occur, occurrence, ocean, Oceania, oceanic, ochre, o'clock, octagonal


- adjective
- laboral

EN One of the services offered is the "Equality Line" counselling centre, which advises women on how to deal with occupational problems and unfair treatment.
GL Un dos servicios que ofrece esta asociación é o centro de consulta Equality Line (Liña da Igualdade), onde se asesora ás mulleres con problemas laborais ou que son víctimas de inxustizas.
- Fonte: C01 (480)
- profesional

EN In short, the great occupational change looming ahead will call for increased interdisciplinarity, revitalization of the disciplines related to ethics and aesthetics and sweeping changes in the attitudes of teachers and students: for the professional of the future, education will be a lifelong process, and education and work will go hand in hand.
GL En definitiva, a gran transformación profesional que se aveciña esixirá maior nivel interdisciplinario, unha revitalización das disciplinas relacionadas coas esferas éticas e estéticas e un cambio total de actitude en profesores e estudiantes ó pasar dunha educación terminal a unha educación permanente: é dicir, o profesional do futuro estará mergullado de por vida na educación, e a educación ha ir parella co traballo.
- Fonte: C17 (244)